

  • Is there a website anywhere that we can swap clothes. I recently went from a size 22 to an 18 and I have about 15-20 pair of jeans all from lane bryant. These jean were really pricey. I would love to be able to swap with someone who is in need and in exchange perhaps find someone who could donate a few sz 18's to me. I…
  • @amyahouse you wouldn't really know unless you actually put it on the scale and weighed it. For example if a serving size of OJ is 1 cup (8oz) You should really just put your cup on the scale and zero the scale out then add your OJ to be sure you see how much 8oz really looks like. My scale allows me to see the weight in…
  • I am weighing EVERYTHING down to the gram or oz. I am not manually plugging in my calorie burn at all my body media does it for me based on ALL the activities I do in a day not just my walking. If I am scrubbing the floors well then I am burning more calories, the body media sensors adjust appropriately. Body media is…
  • I really am in no hurry and have not been trying. I simply have completely started watching what I eat and moving more. I feel better if I am moving. Typically I sit behind my computer sometimes 12 hours a day. Getting up and walking keeps me moving. I will try to eat a little more. I have been reaching for more healthy…
  • This morning I walked for 90 minutes for 4 miles and before dinner I walked another 2 miles in about 44 minutes. It was about 800 calories burned but body media gives me credit for moderate activity that I may be during the day OTHER than walking.....hence the 1222
  • Today I gained all the exercise calories because I walked 6 miles. 17+K steps. I am using body media armband synched with MFP so I am letting that do the burn adjustment based on my body at the time of exercise.
  • none of the links in that post will open up. Is it just me?
  • yes I have just done that, sorry. I am 5'8" and 43 years old. I have been working from home and have been very sedentary for the last 5 years. I began this in an effort to get moving alot more. At this point I am only walking for my exercise and counting calories.
  • 2216 -Calories Remaining 1860 Goal 866 Food - 1222 - Exercise -356 (Net) My starting weight was 274lbs now it is 254
  • Where would I be putting the exact times? I run body media in workout mode while I am working I do have exact times there. I do not see anywhere in MFP pal where I can log and track times.
  • yep I walked 4+ miles on my treadmill today. 3 miles this morning and 1 after dinner
  • I logged and walked 4+ miles even though I indulged in Chinese food for dinner.....holy sodium! I am still under my daily goal for the day but feel guilty. I must keep reminding myself this is a lifestyle change so I saw no need to skip a day of logging.