

  • Hi... I had the sleeve on Dec 16th, 2013....It literally saved my life. I'd be happy to be part of your support group as well as you be part of mine... Got to stick together....Good Luck !
  • So sorry for your loss and congrats on your new grand baby . I know your emotions are consuming you. And stress makes it very hard to lose weight . ((((((HUGS))))))... I'd be happy to help you . It is very hard to stay on task.
  • Hi...I just had a bout of nausea...but my surgeon gave me meds and 4 weeks later I was off them and eating my food mildly spicy with no problems. Have to say eating and drinking schedules is very hard to maintain. But I'm getting there. This web site makes me stay on task. Good luck with your surgery.
  • Hi...I'm on the second stage also. I hear ya when you say your tired of the protein shakes. I have bought 4 different kinds. I add peanut butter to the chocolate one, fresh fruit to the orange and banana ones . anything to make them more pleasant. I also eat alot of creamy soups. New england clam chowder is very good. Also…
  • Hi Liz... I too was sleeved on Dec 16th....LOL I'm down 24 pounds and doing pretty good. I too miss chewing. 30 lb loss is Awesome...
  • Hi...I had my gastric sleeve done on Monday...I think I;m doing good...Pain isn't to bad..Just a small amount of nausea and bubbles.If i could cough this stuff out of my lungs I'd feel better. Have a great day.....heading for the couch...LOL
  • Thank you....I will keep you in my prayers is exciting !
  • Hi ! I'm a newby...I'm on day 9 of the pre liquid diet. My gastric sleeve is scheduled for Dec 16 th. I pray this works for me. I have pulmonary hypertension and lung disease and desperately need to lose this weight so I can Breathe and to also get on the heart/lung transplant list. I can not exercise so since 2009 I have…