mymuffin88 Member


  • Saltines in 2-packs (25 cal/pk), sold in large boxes at restaurant supply stores. Chicken broth -- prefer natural, but for a diet will make do with the powder -- under 5 cal/cup, and extremely satiating. Pringles in the small individial packs -- about 100 cal/pack. A Romaine lettuce leaf filled and rolled with a luncheon…
  • I have done this on and off during my life, even though never knew there was a name for it until a couple of weeks ago. What's a little shocking, however, is people who merely wait until 2pm to have lunch and start eating, and call that fasting!!!!! That's a bit way too lenient in term usage for my taste! I guess I would…
  • Well first, most Italians are thin, so even eating mindlessly there will keep you thinner than eating mindlessly here! You can have an espresso or cappuccino, with or without a biscotto, for snacks, and that is only 0-150 calories. After a nice, real Italian dinner, I doubt you would crave anything in the evenings, unless…
  • Best way to figure out what satiates his hunger is to ask him when You two eat. "Do you want more of this next time? Do you want more of that? Is there anything in particular you would want in the fridge other than what is there?" And so on. He doesn't have to have multiples of the same foods you are having all the time,…
  • HARD CANDY -- a whole pack of Lifesavers has only about 100 calories, and they melt slowly, so will last a whole day -- 10 calories each. CremeSavers and Werther's are about 200 cal./whole pack. (It's easy to eat only one, also, but also can feel really decadent in indulging in the whole package, which is not an easy feat,…
  • Escali, Ozeri, EatSmart, Salter, Finesseur -- all great! And all are digital. Good to have one. I don't eat a lot of pre-packaged foods, but if you weigh, say one cookie or whatever, most times the calories on the package are mislabeled and that cookie has more calories! Easy to calculate if weighed though. Also, some…
  • Eat or drink a lot of something loaded with salt to retain water. Also, Do Not drink a lot of water (only moderate amounts), otherwise it will flush out some of the salt. However, do drink as much water as you can manage 'only minutes' before your weigh-in to fill your stomach. You can also eat a lot of carbs instead of…
  • Think of it as a new lifestyle rather than a diet.
  • I have done a water fast for 13 days, and highly recommend it. It's not just about weight, even if that is the part that seems most exciting, one's body purges many toxins that way. It's good physically, and it's good psychologically. One feels hungry the first 2 days, and then you will feel no more physical hunger…
  • It would make it easier to switch to hot chocolate for the first 3 days, and then switch to fully caffeinated black tea for another 3 days, and then stop that. Going cold turkey is unnecessarily rough -- no need to suffer!
  • I don't know the delivery service, as I was not on the plan (maybe in the yellow pages), but a few years ago it was $60 per day for one person. (I am not going to make any judgmental comments on the fee, but you asked, and I do happen to know the answer to that.) However, I think the plan included 5 days of delivered meals…
  • I know of a couple of people who were on the Zone Diet who were thrilled with their success, but they were on the plan where the food was dropped at their front door every night (or early morning?). They said that the food was so much that they couldn't even finish it all, so were giving away leftover containers. I was the…
  • 1) Larger portions 2) Eating when not physically hungry 3) Eating to please others (when not hungry) 4) Eating food I do not find pleasing, or am just not in the mood for at the time 5) Eating in environments that are [emotionally] upsetting to me for whatever reason, since I tend to be less sensitive to my stomach/hunger…
  • Caffeine is an appetite suppressant that is found in many weight loss supplements.