help with weight loss while studying abroad (italy)

I've decided to start changing my body and toning up. I have about 15-20 pounds to lose.
I don't workout or eat well and I know I just don't feel as great as I could.

I'm going to be studying abroad in Italy for 8 months and you can imagine how scary that can be, regarding how incredible the food is.

I'm aware there is a fresh market everyday and you can pick up some fresh baguettes as well.

What are some certain snacks/fruits/vegetables you would always have on hand?

Thank you


  • mymuffin88
    mymuffin88 Posts: 14 Member
    Well first, most Italians are thin, so even eating mindlessly there will keep you thinner than eating mindlessly here! You can have an espresso or cappuccino, with or without a biscotto, for snacks, and that is only 0-150 calories. After a nice, real Italian dinner, I doubt you would crave anything in the evenings, unless you want a biscotto with either a piece of fruit or glass of wine, and that is only 200 calories.

    Italian bread is heavier and denser than French bread, so take that into consideration. But a small piece with deli coldcuts or cheese is very satisfying, quick and easy, and really not that fattening for a meal when you decide to eat in.