

  • I'm 5' 3". I am aiming for around 124 lbs, but my actual goal is to be muscular, fit back into my old, favorite clothes, and not lose my boobs. I'll always have my hips and butt; they're not going anywhere. I'm basically looking to fit into a US size 4 - 6. Edit: I forgot to mention one of the most important goals! I want…
  • You are definitely not alone. I developed IBS a little under 19 years ago. I developed intolerance to meats, poultry, fish, and shellfish at the same time, but we did not figure it out until a little under 16 years ago. No amount of reintroduction or probiotics helped with this for me. Sometimes, it is best to just accept…
  • According to 100g of Greek yogurt has 7.3g of protein. 100g of lentils has 9g of protein. 100g of edamame has 10.9g of protein. 100g of navy beans has 8.2g. 100g of pinto beans has 9g of protein. Yes, beans do have more calories and carbs, but I think the other nutrients present makes it worth it.…
  • If you are planning to make any food eliminations or major diet changes, only do one thing at a time. Do that for a month or so, log how you feel, what you eat, when you eat everyday, and measure your bloating. If you make several changes at once, you will have no way of knowing which food you actually have a problem with.…
  • I have to concur with others that say to stay with what you are doing/aiming to do, measure and log EVERYTHING, then report back in a few weeks. It will take time to lose the weight. Stressing out about if after only a few weeks will not help you, and you won't be able to make any smart changes without first gathering more…
  • I'm a coffee junkie myself, and I have been trying to cut back on added sugar intake, as well. I have had some success with it, so I will share what I have done in case it can help you. The following is what I have done and will continue to do: - For the first month, I cut from 3 sugars per coffee to 2. - Last month, I cut…
  • Beware that there can be hidden gluten in some meats, used as an additive. Deli meats and canned meats are some of the problem meats. With having such a restrictive diet, it would be best to simply discuss it with your doctor. She/he can help you come up with a plan. Make sure to log everything you eat, so if you do have…