

  • I'm totally in. I just started my diet & working out, & really think its a great idea to support each other, & exchange ideas & motivational thoughts. Its really tough starting a diet & working out, & trying to stick with it. :smile:
  • Thank you for the pointers. MFP suggested I go on a 1,200 calorie diet, but I keep going over it by like 250 - 350 every day & still hungry. Do you know how I can go on there & change it to a 1,500 calorie diet, as I mentioned I feel hungry quite a bit more with this new diet & will look at ideas & tips on here. I really…
  • MFP set my daily calorie intake to 1,200, which I feel I should maybe bump it up to 1500, as that is about what it equals to every day or close to that, and I feel like i am eating fairly healthy, been eating oranges, banannas, oatmeal, light sandwhich, carrots, I have read on here to to help satisfy hunger that almonds in…
  • You had mentioned you had a difficult time with getting up to 1550 calorie diet, I am having a really tough time with my 1200 daily calorie intake, I feel my eating healthy & light I still go over 1200 calories a day, & still feel like I am starving & get light headed & tired from eating so light, any suggestions?