

  • hey chick, your not alone there i think about food constantly its annoying but i have put it forward into trying new foods and new recipies, be a little adventurous with what you are doing. i found im now starting to think about planning meals instead. in terms of bad food. dont think of it like that just simply accept…
  • i took a few days off of dieting and exsercise and then i felt little guilty then started working out again it sort gave me a kick start :) worth a try good luck. x
  • yea im getting this too......but i find that i feel better knowing that i have lost inches rather than weight. remember that muscle is hevier than fat! so really you should be looking at both than rather the weight side of things. it would be a bigger achievement to lose body fat % than it would be pounds! dont be…
  • i did a shake diet ...i lost 2 stone and after i come off the diet, i was good for a while.....but over the next few months i put all the weight and more back on. since then i have sorted my self out with a diet plan and work out plan, and im lighter than i was when i was on the shakes. since then i havent ever been able…
  • i agree i weigh in the buff least then i know what i weigh. plus it gives me that little extra kick to try wearing some of the clothes that perviously have looked bad. sets the day off :)
    in Weight Comment by Lana_brey April 2011
  • WELCOME :) i havent been here that long but it really has got me looking at what im doing. xx