

  • Implanon birth control is the same as nexplanon right? I have the 3 yr. nexplanon rod in my arm. I'm glad I stumbled upon this thread. I am hoping my birth control doesn't affect my weightloss and I'm able to loss weight.
  • I have several relatives who do the same thing! My grandfather has finally stopped maknig those kinds of comments after I proved to him I could do 40 situps. Weird right? Why can't they just give nice compliments and let that be that!
  • This also, I am home with my son until my husband comes home around 6. I'm wanting to head out to run around 7. My little brother is moving in this weekend so I'll have a babysitter around 7 finally!
  • C25K it is! If I can get my husband outside to run with me then I will definitely run outside. I know my fear sounds stupid and an "excuse" to some of why I'm too afraid to run outside, but I live in a small town with no running trails and highway all around. I swear everyone has dogs around here and I have a big fear of…
  • I started my meal plan yesterday. So far everything is going well :happy: My dinner plans from Monday-Sunday: 1. Chicken and pasta with chopped tomatoes and zuchinni 2. Salmon with rice and asparagus 3. shredded chicken with salsa and refried beans 4. pork tenderloin with rice and mixed vegetables 5. Chicken breast with…
  • Thanks everyone! Sorry for taking so long to respond. I think I will keep this a private venture lol I'd be too nervous to share.
  • this :happy: There are usually tons of different varieties of salad and so long as you get your dressing on the side it shouldn't have too much of an impact on your calorie allowance. I know when my husband wants to go out to this expensive restaurant where we live I will order a steak salad. It's a giant salad (so it will…
  • 1.my great sense of humor 2.being a mother 3. baker/cook
  • I can do sit ups like it's nothing. I still have a long ways to go though. When I was in high school my brother was obsessed with exercise. We used to see who could do the most of what. I couldn't even complete one situp. Well, my grandpa and I were talking about my acheivements in losing weight and exercising and I really…
  • way that nearly frightened me.
  • I it depends on what they say. If they make comments about why I was overweight or anything other than "good job, you look great" then I get uncomfortable/upset. I know why I am overweight, I know it's unhealthy, but that is a topic for me and my doctor to discuss not anyone else. I don't like advice unless it's positive…
  • Thank you for creating this post! After having my son (only son) I was 220 lbs. I managed to lose 10 more pounds, but so far that is it and he is 16 months already. The fact that most people are around 220 and have been able to get down to their goal weight is inspirational! It definitely gives me courage and motivation to…