VanessaC Member


  • My solution has been to find activities that we can all do together. And by all of us I mean my husband and 3 small kids. We try to go for walks and do lots of bking as a family. It is great quality time and I am out and moving too. This whole process is a lifestyle change and that is one of the ways we have changed our…
  • Sounds very yummy. I think my kids would love them.
  • yummy! Way better than giving my kids all of the preservatives of a granola bar.
  • I imagine that would be fine. They probably account for that when they package it.
  • I don't have anything to add to the other two posts as far as the scientific aspects of flax seed but I thought I should add that your body cannot digest whole flax seeds so make sure they are ground or in oil form. And keep it in the fridge because it can spoil fairly easily.
  • I'm no expert by any means and as some of you said your addiction is replacing smoking so it has to be better than that but I'm just thinking that you are consuming a lot of artificial sweeteners and that can't be good for you. Like I said, I'm no expert but just thought I would give you that thought to consider.
  • Check out There are a few blueberry recipes there including a good blueberry bran muffin that is only 140 cals or could be less if you substitute unsweetened applesauce for the oil.
  • I'm no expert but I do know that muscle helps you burn more calories overall, so strength training is definately useful. Interval training works well. A few minutes of intense cardio then right into weights for a a couple of minutes. Repeat. It gets your heart rate up to burn your calories while working out and builds…
  • The last post on this was over a month ago. Not surprising really considering the group it covers. Hopefully we aren't writting on here because we are taking the few minutes we might ge tto ourselves to workout instead. My little one is taking enough bottles now that Daddy can put her to bed so I get to workout with a…
  • They taste pretty good too. Great alternative to those high fat, high calorie muffins.
  • I'm still here. Just don't get the time very often to write. My middle one is hitting the terrible two (although not officially for another two weeks). I'm having a hard time putting the baby down without her crying. She has gotten so used to being held because the 2 year old, although it is just meant as love, is way too…
  • It's 10am and I'm just eating my breakfast now. A yummy egg white and cinnamon french toast with banana, nectarines and honey on top. I'll admitt I was starving this morning and it was tempting to have some of the chocolate pancakes I made for the kids this morning. They do have spinach and blueberries in them with extra…
  • I'm in on this too. My little girl is now 3 months old. I also have a 3 1/2 yr old and another one who is almost two. Juggling all three and taking the time to excersise and track what I am eating is hard but "do-able" I will touch base again soon hopefully but have to go for now. Someone always needs mommy with 3 this…
  • Thanks for the support. My little boy is 2 1/2 years old and my little girl will be 1 in a week. So as for telling them I haven't really and don't see much point yet because they are too little to get it. Slade might have some understanding when the day gets closer. Well I have known for a few days now and I am starting to…
  • So surprise for me, I'm pregnant. Now I get that babies are wonderful and I love my two other children but I am so not ready for a 3rd already. I'm not ready to give my body away to someone else again so soon. It was a week before my little guys 1st birthday that I found out I was prego with my second and two weeks before…
  • Delish! Prep Time:15 min Total Time:45 min 2 cans (10 fl oz/284 mL each) condensed chicken broth, divided 1 medium onion, chopped 1 medium carrot, chopped 1 stalk celery, chopped 4 cups chopped butternut squash (1/2-inch chunks) 1/2 cup instant white rice, uncooked 1 tsp. ground nutmeg 2 soup cans water 1 soup can milk MIX…
  • I have decided to run my first 5K in December. I have been doing pretty good on the treadmill and will soon work my way outside. I'm wondering though what is a good time to aim for? Figured you were the people to ask.
  • My neighbour and I have been getting together to do a workout video 3-5 times a week for a few months now. The catch is that we've had to meet up at 9pm. Neither one of us are morning people either and this way I get a better nights sleep too. At 9pm you don't have a couple of hours to workout though so we have found Turbo…
  • For those of you worried about kids being voted off, it will be ok. They are older children mostly in their 20s so they can handle it.
  • So I started this post a few months ago but didn't really follow through. So with the fall I decided to recommit to a few things and this goal is one of them but I have expanded it and decided to do 5k in December as a fundraiser. And my husband is going to do it with me which is nice. So I jumped on the treadmill last…
  • I also have a 2 1/2 year old and a 10 month old and am the same age so I can relate to your struggles. I haven't always done the best in my weight loss efforts since I began in April but I would say I'm doing pretty good over all. I have found that what works best for me besides taking the kids for a walk is to do an…
  • Ok so let me get this straight since I was wondering the same thing. If it says that I burned 400 calories doing a 40 minute workout then those are the extra calories I burned by working out and do not include regular calories just from being alive?
  • At 185lbs, I get 440 cals for the 40 minute workout wearing a HRM. So I think that might be a little bit high but not too much.
  • I did it! I went zip linning and it was great! I am afraid of heights but figured I would celebrate the weight I have lost and become more active. It was awesome! After being such a brave mom, I put my 10 month old on my back and we hiked down the HUGE set of stairs to the beach and explored the rocks. The we went to…
  • Sorry forgot to weigh in and check in on Monday. Tuesday morning I was at 185lbs though. I'm probably not going to hit my goal for the challenge either but I haven't exactly done too shabby either. I will do what I can this week but have to go on a trip for my sisters wedding so I won't have as much control over food as I…
  • That sounds so delish! I've already had my snack for the night but I'm excited to try this tomorrow.
  • I can believe that. I just entered a fibre bar and even the one with 10 confirmations does not match the label on mine here in Canada.
  • Remember how I hit 184.8lbs last Saturday but was 188.4lbs by Monday's weigh-in. Well pretty much the same thing this week. I did get back down to that 184lbs mark but then the weekend hit and so did the scale. 187.8lbs this morning. So I am going for a walk with the kids after breakfast and then at least one workout video…
  • Thank you for asking that question. I have been wondering the same thing. Anyone have an answer?
  • Good Monday Morning to everyone. So I kind of skipped out on check in last week because it was a holiday here in Canada. Although I didn't eat too badly that week, I wasn't really near my computer as much. So back to check in today. Start of challenge: 205 lbs Two weeks ago: 190.6 lbs Saturday: 184.8 lbs Today: 188.4 lbs…