Smokitopaz56 Member


  • I want you to understand there is NOTHING you can do if he does not want to take charge of his own health. Take care of your own, make sure he knows he is loved and you'd like him to stick around another gazillion years. Then let him be. Love him, support him, but let him be. You can NOT make him heal and live a healthy…
  • Hi Nancy! I am a yo-yoer, I topped out at 250 this past spring. My previous high was 247 about 20 years ago! So I feel your struggle! "This time" for me started in May, and I also decided to concentrate on eating better. So far so good, 23 down since May. We can do this! We HAVE to do this! I have recently started walking…
  • YAY a group for us oldies but goodies!!! Thank you, Smurfe04 for starting it! I've been on MFP a while but could use some friendly accountability! I am in Vancouver, Wa. 59 years old....60 is looming large on the horizon, and I would like to cast a smaller shadow by the time I get there. I've lost large amounts of weight…
  • Sure you could stop...if you want to. It's like quitting smoking or any other bad habit. Just don't DO it. I don't mean that to be as harsh as it sounds, but it is basically true, for ALL of us. It may make you crazy to have to reteach yourself to make other choices instead of the pop, but if you push through it, you'll…
  • Yum Green Olives with pimentos
  • I love Quest bars! The Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough is my favorite. I also like their protein powder drink mixes. Both well worth the price!
  • I find it is VERY motivating to see the MFP messages on my feed of what friends are accomplishiing! I have not started the Shred ( yet but will very soon. You are motivating me!! Feel free to friend me!
  • Hi all! I am here to try to rein in my crazy habits. Habits that have allowed me to gain back 40 of the 60 pounds I lost on WW 2 years ago. It is either lose, or run around naked this winter, because all my winter clothes are a size 14. Wanna get back there. I will commit to logging on MFP, wearing my Fitbit, and using a…
  • I am so annoyed right now. I am having the worst time reconciling calories in, out, exercise, what fitbit "sees" and what it doesnt. If I log BR on MFP I am sure it overestimates calories. Meanwhile back at the farm I have lost NO weight this week. I am ready to scream! But...I HAVE DONE THE BR every day!
  • Just did workout 2, Tuesday. WTG me! I actually DID it. keep it up. I had to enter it manually because Fitbit flat out ignored it! WHAAAAT?????
  • I got out the booklet and put stickers over all my previous entries (I dated each workout as I did it. Ready to start! Oh, I won't be doing the meal plan either- letting MFP guide me, along with my Fitbit! Anyone??
  • I have the BR, and have done it, once completely and once half-*kitten*. I'm going to dust it off and DO IT! I really hope to share the journey with you here, even though I won't be on the exact same day! Now all I gotta do is get UP early enough to DO it! Is anyone else using a Fitbit? How does it do with the BR?
  • I have the BR, did it last year- I believe I will dust it off and go through it again. It would be lovely to have daily accoutability here-as in, kick my BUTT if I don't post that I did it!
  • JennH, You kind of LOOK like Jillian!!!!
  • 'knock knock' Is anyone home? Hi! I'm new to MFP after 2 years on WW- one successful, one not so much. I'm here to reinvigorate my weight loss attempt. I started at 234, lowest was 170- 193 right now. I really want to get further away from that 200 mark. I live near Salmon Creek hospital, and have an apartment gym to use…