dustin807 Member


  • The rowing machine is superior to the treadmill in terms of efficiency. When you are training for fat loss, you want to 1) build muscle and 2) increase your resting metabolic rate. While neither of these machines are optimal for accomplishing this goal, the rowing machine is the more effective of the two. The rowing…
  • I don't think you need to isolate arms or really do any isolation body movements when you are training for the purposes of weight loss. Here a few articles that may shed some light on the subject.…
  • How many pushups can you do? The most basic bodyweight exercise is pushups. Set a number goal, like being able to do 30 pushups consecutively, then spend the next 3 months training nothing else but pushups. Start with standing pushups, then graduate to pushups leaning against a countertop, the girl pushups, then real…
  • I think an easy way to get my motivation back is to set a goal. You might find it easier to become and stay motivated if you stopped focusing on calories consumed and pounds lost, and started focusing on performance and increasing your level of performance. Instead setting a goal of achieving a 150-170 lb bodyweight,…
  • "To me it's not about weightloss as much anymore..." That's an excellent attitude. I think so many of us are focusing on the wrong thing or the wrong goal.
  • I have seen some insane results with my friends who have tried this program. My pastor lost so much weight he looked like a different person for a while. He actually looked a lot younger too. I'm not a huge fan of these DVD exercise programs, but I think that Insanity and P90x are two of the best programs out there. Good…
  • I don't know how to determine how many calories are burned during your exercise sessions. But I have found that it is really a useless metric to keep track of. I used to have students come to my boot camp with the electronic calorie counting devices. And they would be so discouraged to find that they only burned about 300…
  • I think you are in a great situation. Not being able to afford a gym frees you from all the crazy stuff that goes on at commercial gyms. I'll give you the same advice I give everyone. Change your goal. Instead of trying to get a flat belly, or trying to look sexy naked, just get stronger. A flat belly and looking sexy…