

  • Way too many variables to give an exact date. Even MFP's projection is just an estimated guess at best. It doesn't take things like BMI, genes and stress into account. Like the poster said above, you should shoot for 1-1.5 pounds a week. The most important thing is to log every meal.
  • I've actually quit using lose it in place of MFP. The community on Lose it is really limited and the tools used are really under developed.
  • I think nutrition is a big part of weight loss but everyone's metabolism is different, i would say it's closer to 50/50 of course the amount of exercise is important. Insanity has potential to burn up to 600-700 calories during a workout this doesn't include the burn afterwards. Some people just aren't capable of eating a…
  • The only way to know for sure which one is the best at burning fat is to get a heart monitor
  • Hi, I also did both insanity programs. With the insanity programs and any high intensity interval exercises, you're going to burn a lot of calories and have an effect known as afterburn which burns calories even after you finished working out. The workouts in the first insanity program doesn't require a lot of athletic…
  • No, that's pretty typical for this workout. You're jumping up and down all the time putting a lot of stress on your knees. It shouldn't be extremely painful though just some mild discomfort here and there. Let's not forget knees are a lot less durable than larger muscles. I'd recommend subing the jumping exercises for…