Insanity Asylum For Weight Loss

Hello everyone,

Ima start off by saying that I'm 19 years old , weigh 175lbs, I'm 5" 7inches, and I just wanted to know if Insanity Asylum is good for weight loss. I already purchased it, and I'm about a week into it, but I feel as if I'm not going to lose much weight with this program. It's still a hard, very well put, intense workout though. I have done the regular insanity program before, and went from 220 lbs to a good 155lbs, with a good healthy diet, but time passed, and I stopped working out, and I gained some weight. I really want to drop this weight fast. I'm pretty athletic, I did muay thai kickboxing right after I was done with the regular insanity program, and it kept me in super good shape, but I had to stop training for a while after I broke some toes during a fight. I'm still pretty active, and I just really want to know, if this program is going to help me drop the extra pounds, so I can weigh less for near future fights.


  • okcfitguy123
    Hi, I also did both insanity programs. With the insanity programs and any high intensity interval exercises, you're going to burn a lot of calories and have an effect known as afterburn which burns calories even after you finished working out. The workouts in the first insanity program doesn't require a lot of athletic skill and no equipment Asylum is just the opposite. You're going to lose weight with both but Insanity is more focused on burning calories while Asylum is more about improving agility and coordination plus I enjoyed the variation in Asylum. I'm in need of some weight loss too so I'm back on the original program.
  • okcfitguy123
    The only way to know for sure which one is the best at burning fat is to get a heart monitor
  • colortheworld
    colortheworld Posts: 374 Member
    They say weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise.
  • okcfitguy123
    I think nutrition is a big part of weight loss but everyone's metabolism is different, i would say it's closer to 50/50 of course the amount of exercise is important. Insanity has potential to burn up to 600-700 calories during a workout this doesn't include the burn afterwards. Some people just aren't capable of eating a big enough deficit to see significant weight loss. I think if you're shooting for 5 pounds of loss then yes but anything over 10 is going to require some sweat
  • Ant_the_old_keith_lemon
    They say weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise.

    fortunately this is fact.

    if you wan`t to build lean mass and tone go for the workouts,

    if you want to be a jibbering skinnyfat person simply diet & walk.