

  • Hey there! I know college can be super stressful, so if you need some college-wise advice on de-stressing you can add me :D If you're on MFP, you're gonna do awesome!
  • Thanks everyone! This all really helped, especially that thread with people who work out like crazy... If any of you ever need any help, let me know, cause we're all here for each other :)
  • Hmm, pretty interesting! I kinda want to try it now :P
  • I used to be a regular member of WW since I was 15 and I lost 25 lbs the first time around. Then I gained it back, went on again, etc etc. Then once I found MFP, I realized that I liked it a lot better. There are a lot more food options since members can put in their own stuff and it has a better mobile app. The only thing…
  • I think if you keep it to early morning you'll be fine. Once the humidity gets high you're gonna have a tougher time breathing, especially if you're running. Drink a lot of fluids after your workout! Good luck :)
  • Thanks so much for the replies everyone! I've been really struggling with this and I appreciate everyone's kind words :)