voodoocupcake Member


  • You are eating way too little. School alone burns a lot of calories and you burn even more if you do after-school activities. Remember, 20% of your daily calories go to your brain. We are the same height and I tried eating a similar calorie count when I was a teen wanting to lose vanity pounds. The weight came off too fast…
  • I have struggled with exactly the same problem and what has made a world of difference for me is that, for my job as a teacher, I eat a hot lunch that is served to me and I have to follow the same rule as the kids: the clean plate rule. I've been told that these meals are typically 1,500 - 1,700 calories and it takes a…
  • Technically, yes. That would be correct, but building muscle is more of an art then a science. You have to pay attention to the kind of calories you're eating as well as then number. The body uses carbs, fats an proteins in different ways. If you bur 500 calories lifting weights (that's a lot of lifting!) you will want…
  • I've never torn my meniscus but I've torn my ACL. Swimming is a great low-impact exercise but that was not an option for me personally. After 3 days of staying off the leg as much as possible and icing the knee, I started cycling on a low gear. I feel that was instrumental in retaining my range of motion while still…
  • Wow! It's wonderful that you have such ambition and hope for the future! I truly hope that you reach your goals. Losing weight after recovering from an eating disorder can be very tricky. They're never really cured. They just go into remission. I've been struggling with one myself for quite some time and I'm here to make…
  • One of my favorite restaurants serves it sliced in a spicy marinara along with other veggies and chicken. I don't even like yellow squash and I still like that dish. I would recommend steaming the slices before finishing the cooking in the sauce. That way you can be sure they'll be cooked thoroughly.
  • As people have been saying, there's nothing wrong with white rice. However, if you want to eat brown rice, using it in a recipe with strong flavors will cover the rice flavor. Something like curry or gumbo would be good. You can let it sit overnight before eating to let the flavors blend more. You might also try adding…
  • And now for something completely different...
  • Konnichiwa! I have been living in Japan for almost two years. My job is pretty stressful and I work crazy hours with no official meal break or place to eat. With so few foreigners in the area, simple things like eating become a spectacle. People blatantly watch, analyze, and criticize assuming we cannot understand. For…