slossing Member


  • Yeah :happy: good for you!!! I am fairly new, joined once off and on before, but feel I need to be more committed. I was at 140 now at 147, not sure why and I cannot get scale to move no matter how little I eat. So encouragement or advice is more than welcome. Have a great day
  • Glad to add another friend :happy: I am pretty new to this too and I am trying to lose about 15 more lbs but very hard.
  • I eat only 1200 calories a day if that and it is not junk food either. I also do the ellipitcal for 30-45 minutes and zumba too, but I just can't seem to lose any more weight. I am at 147 now and used to be at 140. Anybody have any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  • I don't ever eat over 1200 calories.... I just keep thinking the less calories I take in the better I will be, as in more likely to lose. I do 30-45 minutes on the elliptical or 30 minutes of zumba. I eat very little junk food, like chips.