mcl916 Member


  • Glad I found this group! I think I'm going to restart JMBR today. I keep trying to get into 21 day fix, but I like Jillian so much better!! I've started a few times, I think I've gotten as far as week 6 but this time around I really need to stick with it. I'm at my heaviest weight ever and I've had enough.
  • I just started week 3 and so far I just take the one day off. Because she rotates the muscle groups you don't feel as worn out (compared to 30ds which is the same everyday, my body did not like that!). Since it's only 30 minutes I feel like I need to put the time in everyday.
  • There is cardio mixed in, but only one minute per circuit total, just enough to get the heart rate up. It's really not bad and it gives you a little "break" from the really crazy moves lol!
  • I'm interested! I'm on day 7 and I really want to stick it out for the full 90 days to see how I can change my body :-)
  • I'm on day 5 and I love it!!! I have done 30 day shred (well I started it, didn't finish it) and I like this so much better. I like that my muscles get a chance to recover and I like that there are different workouts. I'd love to join a group if you start one :-)