bookmaggot Member


  • Don't worry about it. It was a mistake and learning experience. Don't try to compensate for it today; just stick with your diet and exercise plan as normal. Think of it this way, you figure you overate by 650 calories yesterday. If every one of those 650 calories became body fat (which they won't), that's like three…
  • Former smoker myself. Congrats on the weight loss and especially great job on the 25 days smoke-free! You're never going to have a craving as bad as the ones you've overcome already. It only gets easier and easier from here on out.
  • Be really gentle with your IT band. Taking a rest and cross training for a few days wouldn't hurt. I've had similar issues and I found foam rolling to be really helpful. Whatever you don't run through pain.
  • The only way to lose weight and keep it off is to make healthy changes to your diet and lifestyle and maintain those changes for the rest of your life. Anything other than that is a fad that won't work and, in the case of extreme diets/fasts will just make you miserable to boot. As far as going vegetarian, I've been…
  • Depending on the vegetable, I like a little bit of sucralose, curry powder, cayenne pepper, NoSalt (sodium-free salt replacement), Mrs. Dash, or Liquid Smoke. None of those will contribute any calories.
  • I think you and I have a similar issue. I have a serious sweet tooth as well (in addition to a peanut butter tooth). I love candy, especially chocolate. I've found that really committing to counting every calorie is the only way I can control my eating. What's worked for me is only buying those problem foods in…
  • Calorie estimating formulas aren't all that accurate. I don't use a heart rate monitor so this isn't totally scientific, but I usually go by what RunKeeper says rather than MFP. This morning I rode my bike 30.84 miles in 123 minutes at an average speed of 15.1mph (there were some red lights and a pretty good hill). Here's…