

  • I ordered them from Amazon, but I know Wholefoods carries a similar item but not same brand. I got 6 packages which are 6 servings for $30. So they are a bit pricey, but they last long and are so worth it once or twice a week.
  • I was eating my 1200 calories, excercising, and eating back most of thosse calories without much weight loss (1 pound every 2-3 weeks!) for several months. So I figured that for me, 1200 was too high, and I started eating 100-200 less per day, with high protein and low fat and carbs, and weight is coming off much easier…
  • Hi Heather, I am not a WLS patient, but I have a couple of recommendations. First, add more friends to get more support (you can add me), and open up your diary for your friends to view. Somehow that made me more accountable and helped me make healthier choices. Good luck!
  • Also, make sure you're taking the right supplements. For me I take a vit D5000, an iron supplement, a natural thryroid support as mine is low, and a natural adrenal support.. Took me a while to figure this out, but they have made a huge difference. Check with your doctor if you are anemic or have throid problems. Good luck…
  • I feel for you...What helps me out is imagining how I will feel the next day about my food intake the previous day, and that usually helps me make the right choices. I so want to fit into my clothes that I keep reminding myself of my goal...
  • Sounds delicious! I also read somehere in one of my million diet books that eating ice burns 10 calories per piece, so I'm sure it also applies to the frozen grapes. I have to try it!
  • I was a big fan of diet Pepsi, but I stopped drinking it. My doctor (naturopath) explained this to me: after drinking the diet soda, the body thinks it has consumed sugar, and the blood sugar spikes, but since there is no sugar, it crashes again. This causes the feeling of hunger and the need to eat...