SaintGiff Member


  • Lifelong gym rat. I agree with some of this advice. I disagree with other parts of it. Here's the perspective from someone who has been in and out of gyms since the 80s... Spatial Awareness is a thing. Just be mindful of your surroundings and do not walk through someone's range of motion. That's really it. Gyms get…
    in Gym Fear Comment by SaintGiff March 28
  • Ok, I am about to commit MFP blasphemy here, but..... This place, and many others, have protein requirements all wrong for MOST people. The rule of thumb is 1g protein for 1lb lean body mass for hypertrophy. Half that if you are not actively trying to achie e hypertrophy (gaining muscle mass ie lifting heavy things…
  • Been here forever. People come and go. I used to care a lot about that. Post all the time. Not so much anymore. I think the political climate really ruined the social side of this place. Everyone was just so desperate to virtue signal whichever side of the line they were on that it just became tedious to even say hello.
  • My advice is to never again call it a "journey". A journey has a beginning and an end. You are wanting to simply change your lifestyle. Also, "My ___ journey" is so 2014.
  • Yes. And I believe you have finally hit upon the best way for you with going keto. Just do it the right way. I am going to get a lot of push back here but I am old and do not care about the hive mind... Eat keto. Try your very best to eat as close to paleo with it as you can. Just... eat healthy foods. Do not sweat the…
  • I smell bot
  • I protest that there was no 4.5 option. I do a modified bro split (PPL) with a two on / one off cycle. So P, P, Off, L, P, Off, P, L, Off etc.
  • I have been in and out of gyms since the 80s. While some things have changed (everybody in headphones now) the basics are the same. Here are just a few tips... The staff will absolutely help you get started. They will also try to sell you training sessions. Be careful there, as one of their most effective sales techniques…
  • Clean bulks are a thing. Target your protein and keep the rest of your diet super clean. You will gain muscle without gaining much fat.
  • You are describing a dirty bulk, really. Which is just eating all the things in the hopes that you get enough of what you need to grow muscles along with the fat. A much simpler way to look at it is similar to the previous answer. Get your protein in. Mostly from food. If that is your focus you will end up pretty close to,…
  • Similar here. Only I never competed either way. Spent years training for aesthetic. Injuries and life happened. Got back into it and went the whole power lifting route. PR!!!! Realized that first, I am too old for that nonsense. And second, all I was doing with the power lifting thing was hiding from my weight. Like if I…
  • Happens every time they add a new tracker or whatever sad money grab it is. All of this bloat on the users and you'd think they could build a test environment to work out the kinks before shoving things into PROD, but nope. They just do everything on the fly. Because, well, dev team apparently has the ability to convince…
  • They should literally change the name of this place to