

  • me and another lady do it here ....we just added it ourselves ....I have a calorie counting watch and so does she we typically burn at a minimum of 500 calories. I got mine at Walmart for about $30.
    in ZUMBA! Comment by skillen April 2011
  • the one person said R.I.C.E..... I have what I belive is shin splints too...I have change my work outs to every other day it's helped alot...I can go full throttle those days and rest really rest on the middle day.
  • don't beat yourself started out today and you know you haven't done this excersizing thing for a long while (I'll assume). It's always a slow start and you get better everyday.
  • I got mine for 40 at Walmart ...seems to be working fine. The tip I was given is to get one for woman...The one I got asked me if I was male or female when I set it up. Also remember that when you weight changes you need to change it on the watch too to keep it accurate.
  • I agree...My mother used to tell me that I had to eat the food she prepaired ( what I didn't like) that kids in africa who are starving we see them on TV would love to have the food...she used to get really mad cause my responce was always so send it to them. I'll even pay with my allowance. I wasn't gonna eat it…
  • some times you gain muscle from your work outs to...and if you eat to few calories you go into starvation mode I'm to understand at that point your body will store food because it thinks it's starving which leads to weight gain. Dont get discouraged ...I went over calories 3 days last week and was at level one day and…
  • Hi Sam, I heard about this site from a zumba class attendee and I've been doing zumba( since dec.) one day a week and following this (with some off days ..of course) for 2 weeks and I've lost 3.4 pounds. If you have a Zumba class near you I suggest you try a few...I went to 2 before I found the instuctor I liked. My dads…