

  • One of my favorite's...Muffin in a Mug....1/4 cup flax meal, 1 tsp. bking powder, 1 tsp sweetner, cinnamon to taste, 1 tbsp butter and 1 egg. Mix all in a coffee mug, microwave for 1 minute...MMMMMM...I have mine with cream cheese...peanut butter is also delish. Can find more info on the Atkins site.
  • Try Almond Milk...
  • Hi, I asked the same question this week. I just joined a gym and couldn't quite figure the food...before of after. My swim instructor said a good rule is to eat carbs before going to gym. Eat protein after. Carbs provide energy for workouts and protein help muscles rebuild after workout. Sounds like a plan.
  • Count me in as well...I was looking to loose at least 5# during Feb...only 3 were lost...joined the gym this week so will see how fast it comes off. Good luck to all of us!
  • It's difficult to know where you are going if you don't know where you have been. How about tracking Everything you eat and do for...let's say a week. Don't worry about loosing weight...this exercise if for information, Only! Once you have that info in hand, see your doc to be sure there aren't underlying issues such as…
  • Good Morning, I am just now watching Dr. Oz as he's commenting on this very topic. He takes this suppliment daily at a cost of ~$25 a month. He said it will take years to complete the necessary studies but it's his feeling from what IS known right now, it's a good thing. Me...I like the red wine.
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