My life depends on it

Hello all,

Can anyone help me!!!! I am gaining and not losing but I'm doing everything I'm suppose to. Maybe not everything but most of everything. I've gained 30 pounds since April but I haven't been and angel that whole time but I also shouldn't be 30 pounds heavier. I've been retracing my steps and actions and I have been more stressed than normal since last year. this week alone, I ate right an exercised 4 times last week which inlcuded walking 3 miles 2x swimming for 30 min. yoga for and hour and I've gained 3 pounds. I have tried things that have worked in the past like detox diets, cleansing diets just to jump start something and nothing! My food is limited to salmon, broccoli, spinach, chicken, yogurt, cheese, fruit, water, green tea, carrots, and sometimes brown rice. when I'm doing really good but when I'm stressed I run to chips and salsa, chinese and lately pizza and I have never been a fan of pizza to this extreme. Everyone tells me to try something different. low carb, vegan, vegeterian, BUT I"M TIRED OF DIETS!!!!!!!!! I really would like to learn how to eat a balance meal. I am picky with what I eat because I don't like certain foods but I need help. I lowered my calories on here because I was told not to eat more than 12-1500 per day. Should I leave it where MFP set it. I'm very stressed about losing. I have a lot of important things coming up in my life that I want to feel comfortable about but it won't happen if I can't figure this out. This is what I need from you guys..

Things to eliminate from my diet that may becausing weight gain although it's considered healthy
How much does stress play in my weight loss?
Good snacks that I can keep in my car tthat doesn't have to be in the fridge because I travel a lot.
new seasonings to put on my salmon to change the flavor. and seasoings for veggies. i currently use red pepper, lemon pepper, ms dash table blend, season salt, garlic, and a little salt for certain items.

any advice to help me to get back to losing would be great.

Thank you


  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    i am no expert but except for the pizza it sounds like you are doing things right. Have you checked with your doctor to be sure it is not a hormone issue or anything else? Also, I would try cutting sugar and sodium. So much food has sodium. I make all my stuff from natural vs. processed foods. The first week I lost 5 lbs. Plus it might be an advantage to high blood pressure if that is a problem.

    good luck and keep working it!
  • mrsbeck
    mrsbeck Posts: 234 Member
    First, take a deep breath. You mention being good all this last week and gaining...maybe you're not eating enough calories? If you're exercising that much, and only eating 1200 calories, you may not be eating enough. Also, chips and chinese food=super high sodium. You may be retaining water.

    Your ticker shows 108 pounds to lose. That's gonna take about 18 months to 2 years to lose. You've got to get yourself in a slow and steady mindset.
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Thanks for responding.

    I've been tested and everything was normal but that was 30 pounds ago. I have been stressed alot because of my job so I mighht be retaining water but how do I get rid of it? MFP gave me a 1700 goal but I never eat that much. I have a muffin top now and I have never had that. I'm rally scared. Can you guys tell me some of the foods that you guys like because I also cheat when i'm bored and I should be because i only eat a handful of foods
  • auntbliz
    auntbliz Posts: 173 Member
    I'm with the other suggestions. Make sure that you are getting enough calories, 1200 is probably not enough if you are exercising and have 100+ lbs to lose. Let MFP automatically calculate what you should be getting per day, and try that for awhile. If you've done that and are still not seeing results, I would go to the doctor and see if there are underlying issues like a thyroid problem or food allergies can also keep you from losing, especially if you don't know you're allergic to them. Good luck, and don't lose hope.
  • Notenispal
    Notenispal Posts: 168 Member
    Make sure your calories in vs. out is on track. Track every calorie and drink lots of water to flush out sodium if you are retaining water. Also, if you work out that much ,make sure you eat some or all of your calories don't want your body to go into starvation mode. Take each day one at a time and think of this as a process. If you mess up (which you inevitably will) just keep going and think of it as just a bump in the road. DON"T EVER GIVE least when it comes to your health.
  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
    First, take a deep breath. You mention being good all this last week and gaining...maybe you're not eating enough calories? If you're exercising that much, and only eating 1200 calories, you may not be eating enough. Also, chips and chinese food=super high sodium. You may be retaining water.

    Your ticker shows 108 pounds to lose. That's gonna take about 18 months to 2 years to lose. You've got to get yourself in a slow and steady mindset.

    Yes totally eat more calories if you work out. There are several posts on here about 'eating your exersize calories' and an article about a woman who was obese at 700 cal/day.

    Dont diet, they dont work. EXERSIZE IS THE KEY. Pace yourself and set mini goals for yourself. I cannot set a goal that will take 2yrs. try 6 month at a time goals, or a summer goal or a birthday goal and keep making goals until you reach the first one, then the second, then it will bemuch eaiser.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    To cut down on water retention you will need to cut your sodium intake. It's hard but it will help. Keep drinking your water to make sure you get your 64 oz in a day.
  • youngs
    youngs Posts: 250 Member
    I would suggest to leave it set at what MFP set your calorie goal out and try it and see what happens maybe you are needing a little more food and I would also go in and change your settings to follow your sugar and sodium intake..maybe this is part of it ...I would try for atleast a few weeks at what system set you at and make sure you are logging everything down to the pepper that you add to anything to the mustard on the sandwich...Good luck and dont get discouraged it will happen intime..
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I also have a lot to lose, and that seems TOO FEW calories!!! I let MFP calculate my calories, and don't put the exercise in my profile, but log exercise as you go. (does that make sense) that way if you "miss" exercising, it's ok, but you're not double logging it either. I usually carry the Quaker chewy granola bars in my purse, they're usually around 100 cals, and have little chocolate chips in them (which are yummy!). I think your body may be going into starvation mode, if you've cut your calories that severely. Mine are much higher than the 1200, and if you can see my ticker, I've lost weight. it will make you recalculate as you drop weight, and it takes time, but sounds like you already know that. it can be a little scary to eat those calories, if you haven't been doing that, but give your body a few weeks to adjust, and you should start seeing some success on the scale.. try weighing in once per week, and maybe doing your measurements once a month or so, whatever you're comfy with.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    The first thing you should do is stop looking at as a "diet". You need to make and commit to a lifestyle change. I was 237 when I started MFP 4.5 months ago. The first few days I just logged all of the food I was eating/drinking. I was shocked. Then, I made a concerted effort to reach the recommended 6 to 8 servings of fruits and veges a day. This helped fill me up on "good food". I also bought a scale to weigh everything. I had no idea what a portion size was until I started reading labels and weighing things. I still eat everything but in moderation. We had Thai food last weekend and I only ate 1/2 of it Sat and the other half Sunday - so I stayed within my cal limits. I go out to eat at least once a week and try to make healthier choices. I try to limit pizza to 2 slices.

    I lead a "Sedentary lifestyle" and at 237 with a realistic goal of 1 lb a week weight loss, I was taking in a base of 1800 cal. I then ate my exercise cal so was eating 2100 cal a day - and I lost weight and did not starve. Now that I am closer to 200, my base is about 1500 plus ex cal. I have gotten in better shape and am ex more and still eating my ex cal so often am still eating 2000+ cal and am still losing. If you want to request to be my friend, you can see my food/ex diary.

    I would suggest that you join several groups and make friends that can encourage you on a daily basis. If you are over 200, then join me in this group

    Read the posts that talk about calorie deficits and starvation mode. You really may not be eating enough. You may want to PM SHBoss and ask him to look at your food diary. He gives excellent advice.
  • mollydog33
    It's difficult to know where you are going if you don't know where you have been. How about tracking Everything you eat and do for...let's say a week. Don't worry about loosing weight...this exercise if for information, Only! Once you have that info in hand, see your doc to be sure there aren't underlying issues such as thyroid or hypertension ...or...well you get the idea. Then begin by taking baby steps and be loving towards yourself while doing so. It's hard to climb the mountain while looking up, maybe by watching your beautiful feet take one step at a time, you will see results. I offer this approach because I too have had such a hard time loosing the weight. I eat well, exercise and don't do "junk" foods. When I found this site, I thought "well, here is another usless tool but will give it a try...Boy was I wrong!! I love this site because it's so easy to stay true. For me I thought I couldn't possible cut any more calories. Well, I tracked for about 4 days exactly what I was eating and that glass of wine...Much to my shock, I found I was packing in ~2500-3000 daily! What a wakeup call for me!!!! So, I started tracking everything and found it takes only a few minutes ( Love that!) and in only a few weeks have lost a couple of pounds. Better then gaining them, for sure. I have also decided that I CAN loose 1 pound...not the 70+ that feels so discouraging. So, for now I am focused on loosing 1 pound...and am encouraging myself that if I can do 1, I can most likely do it 70 ever long it takes. I'm betting that you can do it as well!!! Good luck dear one.
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    No, I haven't logged my pepper but everything else I do. um... i have changed my diary to show sugar, sodium and I never go over them but I never eat the calories either. may I will try eating all of them. but I have experienced not being able to log certain food because they are not in the data base and it may be something that I've gotten from a resturant or something.
    I do set goals. I set 5 pounds for this week and it didn't happen. I think its the stress> I have noticed that I don't drink enough water because I'm not thirsty but when I do drink it's water. except for my green tea in the morning to warm me up. I figured it was healthier than hot coco.

    any good snack ideas
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    I also have a lot to lose, and that seems TOO FEW calories!!! I let MFP calculate my calories, and don't put the exercise in my profile, but log exercise as you go. (does that make sense) that way if you "miss" exercising, it's ok, but you're not double logging it either. I usually carry the Quaker chewy granola bars in my purse, they're usually around 100 cals, and have little chocolate chips in them (which are yummy!). I think your body may be going into starvation mode, if you've cut your calories that severely. Mine are much higher than the 1200, and if you can see my ticker, I've lost weight. it will make you recalculate as you drop weight, and it takes time, but sounds like you already know that. it can be a little scary to eat those calories, if you haven't been doing that, but give your body a few weeks to adjust, and you should start seeing some success on the scale.. try weighing in once per week, and maybe doing your measurements once a month or so, whatever you're comfy with.

    I'm confused are you telling me not to log my exercise on MFP?
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    now that I think about it, last week I didn't hit my goal of calories. not even 1500. There were some days that Ionly ate 1000.

    Thanks everyone
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I spend most of my day in the car. Good snacks follow:

    South Beach Living High Protein Cereal Bar 140 cal
    banana 105 cal
    apple 80 cal
    baby carrots
    salad with dressing
    I don't mind cold soup and will pack 1 cup (most cans of soup come 2 cups to a can) with 5 crackers for about 200 cal
    pre-peeled orange or grapefruit
    homemade snack mix of nuts with dried raisins or cranberries
    celery with peanut butter
    Tuna fish in foil pack
    any vege - cucumber, green pepper, cherry tomato, etc

    You can get small lunch bag with freezer ice pack and take anything with you...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm confused are you telling me not to log my exercise on MFP?

    I think they are telling you to be careful not to double log the ex. Do you count the ex in your activity setting - sedentary, active, etc? If so, don't add more to ex log. Most of us set our activity setting to a level without exercise. That way we can be more specific on eating ex cal if our ex varies day to day.
  • mrsbeck
    mrsbeck Posts: 234 Member
    I have experienced not being able to log certain food because they are not in the data base and it may be something that I've gotten from a resturant or something.
    I do set goals. I set 5 pounds for this week and it didn't happen. I think its the stress> I have noticed that I don't drink enough water because I'm not thirsty but when I do drink it's water. except for my green tea in the morning to warm me up. I figured it was healthier than hot coco.

    A great many restaurants have nutrition info online now. Research before you go. As a general rule, if I can't get a calorie count for a given restaurant, I don't go to that restaurant. I also stop and ask myself before eating anything "How would I log this?" If I don't know the answer, that food doesn't get eaten.

    As a rule, the more you have to lose, the faster you'll lose at the beginning, but five pounds a week is a very ambitious goal--ambitious to the point of being too difficult to attain, and therefore causing you to give up. 1-2 pounds a week is a more realistic goal. I pick days about 10 weeks apart...for example, Valentine's day and my wedding anniversary, April 20. I then set a goal of 11 pounds for that ten week period. I only weigh once a exceptions. The scale can mess with your mind. I also skip weighing the week that Aunt Flo shows up.

    If MFP says 1600 calories, that's what you need. If you burn calories through exercise you need to eat at least half of those exercise calories. NEVER drop below 1200 calories-it's just not enough food.

    Healthy stuff that I always have:
    Wasa Crispbread
    Avocado (this is really good if you get full before you reach your calorie goal-they're very high cal, but very nutritious)
    fat free cottage cheese
    Unsweetened Frozen Mixed Berries
    white beans
    Black beans
    Brown rice
    Frozen Vegetables
    Bell Peppers
    Bagged Salad Mixes
    skim milk
    Natural Peanut Butter (like Adams brand--another great high cal food to help you meet your goals when your not hungry)
    Skinny Cow Ice Creams!!!:love:
    100 calorie granola bars

    A lot of that stuff can go in the car with you, with a little planning, and you should get one of those ice pack bags--it'll give you a lot more freedom in terms of what you can take with you

    My food diary is public if you want to look at warned, I've had kind of a bad week, so don't take it as gospel...but maybe you'll get some ideas. there's also a thread around here somewhere wherein people with public diaries should be able to find some info there.:flowerforyou:
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I do mean to log on your exercise, but take it off your settings if you have it in your initial profile - when you picked your lifestyle. Because lots of people (including myself) start with saying how much exercise you'll do in a week, and then ALSO log it when you do it - and if that's the case, you're essentially counting the exercise TWICE. Once as part of your weekly activities, and if you're entering it again as exercise on the site after you do it, then you're giving yourself credit for having done the exercise twice. SO, I took it off my personal setting, and then if I do it, log it. I have been able to lose weight without incorporating the exercise piece as of yet, and I set my goal at 1-2 pounds per week. if you put it on the profile, MFP is calculating extra calories for you, assuming you've done the exercise for the week, and that's part of what you do EVERY week, and would not be considered above and beyond the normal activity.
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    thanks everyone. I'm going to explore the setting thing when I get time. thanks mrs beck the suggestions
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I would eat more, drink more water and go for another dr's appt and have your thyroid and blood sugar checked :)