

  • I don't have a blog, but I joined an Insanity group on this site and I'm hoping that being accountable there will be enough :). The eating part is hard for me too. I'm very much an all or nothing kind of person, I'm hoping I can find some balance and eat the right number of calories. We can do this! :bigsmile:
  • I was only able to do 1 and then in the first workout DVD I struggled a lot with the exercises that incorporated push-ups. Like the others said, this is day 1, we will improve :)
  • I never thought about trying cottage cheese, it sounds good though! I'm going to try this today for lunch! :smile:
  • I'm starting today also and I can't wait! I'm a bit nervous about the muscle soreness. I know they say once you start exercising again with the muscle soreness it tends to get better, it's still hard to push yourself when you hurt, but I'm going to do my best :)
  • I'm going to give this a try also. I'm just going to go for 180 minutes a week since I'm just starting back with exercise after a bit of a break. :)
  • I also got Insanity for Christmas and I am going to start tomorrow. I am a bit overweight and out of shape. I'm hoping, even if I don't lose weight, I can lose a good amount of fat and start to look more toned :)