Haskin_Fuzernick Member


  • Coffee maker includes its own charcoal filter. Other cooking, Britta.
  • The SAME THING happened to my brother! Class action lawsuit, here we come. On the less sarcastic side, I get where you're coming from on the nutrition confusion front. Virtually every opinion gets taken to the extreme by some segment of the fanbase until BS meters start sounding. If you have an opinion there are 10 studies…
  • 1) Homemade salsa. You get to sneak a bunch of veggies in there and then use it on other stuff, plus you control the salt instead of being at the mercy of what Pace gives you. 2) Green smoothies. There's a recent thread here on that. 3) Any veg combined with the homemade salsa. I tossed a large portabella mushroom in a pan…
  • Aack ... runs to the bathroom with hand over mouth trying to hold dinner down
  • My wife uses it as a face cleanser and swears by it. Not the type of use you were probably looking for, but does speak to its versatility. We switched to using coconut oil with my dad's meals. He had Alzheimer's and there were a number of reports that there were some positive effects with coconut oil. I didn't notice a…
  • Just one more thing that I sometimes add if my food combo isn't as sweet as I'd like it to be (though I almost always use some sort of sweet fruit which takes care of it). I grow stevia plants in my garden and then dry the leaves in the fall. You can grow it year-round indoors too, and it's pretty easy to grow and store.…
  • Processed = anything not in it's original organic form. If it wasn't organic to begin with, then it started out as processed. I don't think people are talking about you getting a carrot that you subsequently chop in your kitchen. I think people are referring to grinding that carrot and stuffing it in cake (mmmm - carrot…
  • Are you running to work in the morning, or do you have some time to do it up right? That'll no doubt impact the recommendations you get. I wasn't a breakfast person until a couple of years ago. Now that I'm used to it, I can't imagine doing what I used to (sometimes go until dinner w/o eating). I love eggs, so I do all…
  • I'd seriously talk to your doc about prescribing that dietician just to get things moving in a consistent way. Once you get your plan in place, use the internet to understand it, but I wouldn't necessarily come to forums for advice at this point (like I'm giving you now). Nothing against forums! Great info on certain…
  • First, what's "a little" high? Can you post some numbers? Total at 200 is a lot different than total at 300 - same with HDL, LDL, and Tri. Depending on how high it is, at 19, I'd actually see if your doc can prescribe (so insurance will kick in) a dietician for a time to look at things with you. If you have a family…
  • Our district meals have similar calorie requirements,so it's easy to track that part, but make sure you look at things like sodium. Our food is CHEAP and very low in nutrients.A ream of paper is very low calorie, high fiber, and is filling, but I wouldn't recommend eating it. The school lunches are also very bland, so they…
  • Higher for me in the winter. Lower in the summer. The reason - the garden. I'd say overall that we pay more now though if you average the costs for the year. I look at the cost difference as a trade-off. Cheaper garbage food now and increased medical costs in the future with fewer productive and enjoyable years, or better,…
  • One more modification that you might like. Add yogurt (vanilla is what I tried). I really liked it, but haven't used it regularly as I cut most dairy out. It was very good though. If yogurt is part of your diet, I'd give it a shot and play around with volume. For calculating calories, it's pretty easy. Just enter what you…
  • I always wondered how I could do a fast for any length of time. Now I know. Just think of chocolate sushi and all desire to eat goes out the window. Aack! Shiver.
  • Yup. Speaking of which, I need a refill.
  • Second the smoothies. You can toss a lot of good stuff in that you normally wouldn't care for due to texture, and it's masked. Check the green smoothie thread here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1159250-green-smoothie. And it's easy!!! I do like eggs. They can be as simple or as complex as you want them to be.…
  • Sipping on mine now. Mmmm. :)
  • Yeah - forgot about flax seed meal! Great thing to add. One of my favorite non-smoothie snacks is to toss some strawberries into a pot with a little bit of water and steam them down, add a half cup of whole oats, some flax seed meal (adds a nutty flavor and thickens), and maybe a bit of stevia if the strawberries aren't…
  • Btw - when I look at what I'm tossing in there I try to keep nutrient density in mind. Example: Iceberg lettuce - not much value, so I won't waste my time. Trade it out with something better. Since it's blended, texture isn't as big of a concern. I wouldn't sit down and eat a bunch of collard greens. I can't stand them raw…
  • I do that for most lunches (and I usually have some leftover for snacks). My office is next to the house, so it makes it easier to do it mid-day, and I can generally blend and then take it to the computer, so it's a quick lunch to boot. 1) Vitamix (or similar). I don't recommend juicing as it's a PAIN to clean and you lose…