

  • You sound alot like me. I am 5'2 and shrinking!!! am 54 this year and am struggling. I have arthritis pretty bad and it seem like my body is fighting the weight loss. I had ankle and back surgery last year within 4 months and was at my highest of 235. I am now down to 204 and am wanting so bad to get below that 200 mark. I…
  • Welcome Naomi. I can tell you I have tried every diet I think there is out there and I LOVE this and how it works. I've been really working on my weight for the last month and with the help of mfp I've lost 10 lbs. I have a strong desire to walk and watch everything I eat as I don't want to go over. I wish you as much luck…
  • :blushing: Once I made homemade buns that were as hard as a rock and my hubby went out and threw the whole works to the pigs and they went running the other way!!!! :blushing: Now, my husband tells everyone I treat him like a Greek God as I'm always serving him burnt offerings!
  • Angel, don't know where you live but we have a Hy-Vee Grocery Store and they have a great web site where they give you a printable weeks menu (you can choose weight control) along with the shopping list and recipes. Most of the time the majority of the menu items are the things that are on sale that week too!!! It's…
  • Thanks too both of you for making me feel welcomed. I'm also new to this "chat rooms" but it is kind of fun and I bet it's as addicting as munching while being a couch potato! At least this way it's hard to eat and type at the same time:laugh:
  • Hi there, joined a week ago, with my daughters encouragement. I've been working with a friend who is counting "points" and doesn't have a home computer available. Right now I am trying to do both this and tallying points and it's not real easy. Finding this easiest but don't want to let her down or lose her in the…