

  • I'll add you, I'm a mom of two little girls, and I joined just over a month ago to lose the baby weight as well. I log in every day and comment/encourage as much as I can. I've never been able to lose weight like I have since joining MFP.. the support on here totally makes the difference!
  • I'll add you too :) I'm a mom to two as well, and I'm a "future" homeschooling mom, as my eldest is only 3 so we've just done some preschool stuff so far. I log in every day and have lost 9 lb so far!
  • Glad your little one is OK now. That must have been a rough go being in and out of the hospital like that. I'm trying to lose baby weight as well, that I put on having my second baby. She is 14 months now, so I'm really feeling the need to get rid of this extra weight. Have 15lb more to go. :) I don't do a full paleo diet,…
  • I'm in as well!! I have two little girls. After my first was born I had no problem getting back down to my pre-pregnancy weight. During my second pregnancy I had gestational diabetes though, which I controlled with good diet, meaning no sugar no white flour, etc. So after she was born, even though I lost most of it…
  • I am too! I had two under two and have been either pregnant or breast feeding for the past three years minus three months in between! I've gotten used to eating way more since nursing makes me so hungry all the time! My second daughter is 14 months now though, and I'm 15lb over what I was before the pregnancy. My goal is…