Let's do this properly

Hi I'm Nikole I'm 22 and a mum to a one year old (10months adjusted she was born extremely premature)

The past year I have took advantage of my body and been very lazy, I don't actually know my true weight:embarassed: I know it's far from what I want to weigh. Living for the most part of a year in hospitals I didn't exactly eat healthy, it was whatever was quick.
I'm so sick of seeing pregnant woman who are slimmer than me :( friends who have just had babies slimmer than me.
I need to do this for my confidence if anything and obviously to walk without my thighs rubbing :mad:

I'm thinking of starting the paleo (diet) I'm pretty sure I can't eat certain things....
Anybody in the same boat would be kindly appreciated or anybody wanting to get fit and healthy..


  • Jennbrooks87
    Glad your little one is OK now. That must have been a rough go being in and out of the hospital like that.
    I'm trying to lose baby weight as well, that I put on having my second baby. She is 14 months now, so I'm really feeling the need to get rid of this extra weight. Have 15lb more to go. :) I don't do a full paleo diet, but I do try to eat higher amounts of protein and produce, and lower amounts of grain. Feel free to add me! :)