Moms trying to get back to Pre-Pregnancy weight?

I am a mom of 3 trying to lose that final 15ish lbs and would love other moms in a similar situation to take the journey with. I have had success on MFP before the birth of my last child, and am back to do it again. I eat clean and SPIN. Please feel free to add me if you are in a similar situation and we can get it done together!


  • Jbeilfuss84
    Jbeilfuss84 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm in! I'm also a mom of 3 my youngest is 2wks so I have to wait a bit to start back with exercising. I have 10lbs to get back to my most recent pre pregnancy weight but ultimately want to lose 60lbs. I need to work on getting my eating back under control.
  • JuneyCleaves
    JuneyCleaves Posts: 92 Member
    I've lost 57lbs in the 24 months since my daughter was born. Unfortunately, this wasn't a great year for me, and I only lost about 4lbs total!
    I've got 20-30lbs to go, I think. It's MUCH harder being back to work and with a toddler!

    Welcoming new friends. Best wishes to everyone.
  • h3lisab3thm
    h3lisab3thm Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm a 23 year old mom of three. My newest was born early December, and I am just getting back on the healthy eating and exercise wagon. I have already lost almost 30 pounds, and would like to lose 30 more by my birthday in March. I do zumba and want to start hoopnotica
  • mommacxjx
    mommacxjx Posts: 52 Member
    I'm a mom of three and working towards pre preg weight plus another 20 lbs, maybe. Added you!
  • I'm in as well!! I have two little girls. After my first was born I had no problem getting back down to my pre-pregnancy weight. During my second pregnancy I had gestational diabetes though, which I controlled with good diet, meaning no sugar no white flour, etc. So after she was born, even though I lost most of it initially, I started gaining weight slowly, probably eating too much of what I couldn't have during the pregnancy! The girls were also only 19 months apart, so aside from a couple of months, I've been either pregnant or breastfeeding for about 3 years. I'm used to eating way more than I need to now, and breastfeeding never helped me lose anything.
    I'm 17lb over my pre-pregnancy weight now, and really want to lose it. Adding you; I know the support of other moms on here will really help motivate me!
  • aniqa109
    aniqa109 Posts: 364 Member
    I have 2 boys.
    I started losing after 1st child and then got pregnant with second .
    Iv always lost few kg bt gained it again.
    I have approx 50 lbs to lose.
    Any other mums can add me. Im mainly doing 5:2 as that works for me.
  • ummsmiley
    ummsmiley Posts: 7 Member
    Add me! I'm a MOM(mom of many) I have 6 girls age 12 and under. I've been putting on a little extra every pregnancy, start losing about 6 mths after baby arrives, but get pregnant before I've reached my goals. After 12 years of that I'm overweight 60-70 lbs. my youngest is almost 6 mths. I figure Im about 6 mths before pregnancy no. 7 so my goal is 10 lbs per month. Nice to meet you ladies!
  • heatherseeg
    heatherseeg Posts: 13 Member
    Add me. I just had a baby in November. Got up to 190 lbs. I am down to 157 and need to lose another 30 or so.
  • Add me! I am a new mom to a beautiful 8 month old baby boy. I have about 24 lbs to lose to get to my "happy" weight but I would love to lose 30-35.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Hello moms! I'm a 25yr old SAHM of a toddler. I'm below my pre pregnancy weight, but would love to get down to my pre college weight of 110lbs. I'm thinking that may be a little too unrealistic, but would love to drop maybe another 10lbs & tone up. Ultimately, we want to TTC #2 in May after my kiddo turns 3. I'd love to add more mom friends! My diary is open & I support my friends :)
  • thinthought
    thinthought Posts: 99 Member
    It is so nice to see that there is a community here that can support one another! Thanks for sharing your stories ladies! Lets motivate each other and get it done!!!
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I just wanted to say you can do it!! I had my second baby May 16th 2013 and I was 188 lbs at the end of my pregnancy. I'm now 124 lbs and in the best shape of my life. One step at a time, you'll reach your goals ♥
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I'm a mom of two, this is my third attempt at taking off the baby weight, and so far this one seems to be working. I had started back in April but unfortunately got derailed from my workouts when life got in the way. I had a rough second pregnancy that caused some physical issues and resulted in me gaining more than I would have liked, and the bonus of being 35 is that the weight just doesn't come off like it did in my 20's. But I've found a plan that works for me and have lost about 8 lbs so far.

    If you're looking for a friend to share the fun and frustration of motherhood, who always has room for cookies and ice cream in her diet, and who won't give you a lot of guff if you have a bad day and skip your workout in favor of lying on the couch to watch Daryl's shirt get ripped on the The Walking Dead (why doesn't he ever just take it off instead of fixing it???), send me a friend request.
  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    Im a mom of 2 and am once again back here to get back to where I was....My second son was born in May 2013 but I hadn't really committed to losing the weight until this past month...I'm sure we can all do this :flowerforyou:
  • shellywelly123
    shellywelly123 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm a new mum to a 10 week boy and am looking to lose 40lbs. I am almost to the weight I was before pregnancy but got that little bit extra I want to get off
  • mettfam
    mettfam Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Ladies, I'm a mom to 3 crazy busy girls. I've been so busy with their lives and sports that I've taken a back seat. It's my time now! I would like to lose about 25lbs- if possible. I have a very athletic build and I muscle up quickly.

    Question- do you eat back your exercise calories?
    - how many exercise calories do you try to burn/earn each day?