llongo80 Member


  • You are doing a bagel for breakfast, so you aren't cutting out carbs...why not try some different whole grain options? Whole grain English muffin, whole grain toast (you could pair that with an omelet with veggies)...what I love for breakfast is Quaker oat squares with cut up strawberries and bananas and skim milk. For…
  • I like to do veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots) with a low fat dip, low fat string cheese, or low fat cottage cheese and grape tomatoes. Maybe anther idea might be a low carb nut blend (I think there is a south beach endorsed one), or another filler I love to add to my lunch is edamame. Costco sells a large box…
  • I am just starting myfitnesspal as well- just had my third child in January and I am carrying an extra 50lbs gained over the years from the three pregnancies. I also have heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes running in my Mother's side of the family and often have regular chest pains, so I also have some scary…
    in Hello Comment by llongo80 March 2011