

  • I've been low carb/high protein for the past 4 months and sleep well. I've slept far better than I used to when I was bloated up on lots of carbs and sugar. I also go to bed slightly hungry. Being full keeps me awake. I also think my improved sleep is heavily influenced by the amount of exercise rather than what I am…
  • 20g to 50g Depends on how much I've exercised and what's going on.
  • Eating the Atkins diet here. Getting wheat, dairy, and sugar out of my diet has made a world of difference. My skin issues, and heartburn have cleared up. I've also had steady weight loss and not felt ravenous.
  • It's been awhile since I've been at a number starting with 1. I'm in, too. I'm getting close, but the weight loss has slowed down a lot. It's frustrating to be so close and not have it happen when we want it to. :)
  • I'm in, too. Finishing up my second week on Induction. I don't have a particular number of pounds I want to lose this month, but I hope to be able to run 1 lap around the track by the end of the month. Do you all count calories? I log mine here, but per the Atkins plan, I don't use them as my measuring stick for the day. I…
  • Today is the end of week 1 on Atkins. I lost 5 pounds. I had done alright on my own counting calories and defeating White Death ... aka sugar, flour, salt...but I noticed I kept going way over MFP sugar limits. My weight loss had plateaued as well. I showed my food diary to my personal trainer, and he said dairy and fruit…
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