

  • I had this issue for years and finally found out I was gluten intolerant. Now that I am G-free it is much better. The longer I go without gluten (about 3 years now) I find that I am more sensitive to things such as artificial sweetener, MSG, almonds and oats. Check your protein powder for gluten and artificial sweetener. I…
  • Great question and I would love to know what others use. I was using Designer Whey Protein (chocolate) 100 cal 18 g protein 2 g sugar. I loved it but out of no where it started to give me GI upset. I do not know if they added a new artificial sweetner or what. I stopped taking it to make sure that is what causes my upset…
  • Sounds like you are intolerant to some type of food. Most common is gluten, whey, soy and lactose. I had all of these symptoms for years before a family member was diagnosed with Celiacs disease. After reading the symptoms, I was text book for gluten intolerant. I pulled it out of my diet and within DAYS I felt like a new…
  • Ladies, when you do these heavy weight squats are you doing them on a smith machine or just stand alone? For some reason I do not like the smith machine. I feel like my range of motion is decrease. I believe I should just work on my form with it. Stand alone I have been doing 40lb bar but I know I can do much more but can…
  • Dropping carbs like that is good to loose quick weight for a goal such as a show, wearing a bikini for vacation or a photo session but it is hard to live like that. I dropped my carbs and was working out a lot and I found that I was so tired during the day and was beginning to get cranky (all signs of overtraining). I…
  • I totally agree with you and had the same problem. I lift weights and love cardio. For a long time I was tracking my food and cardio through MFP but not my weight lifting. I dropped fat and weight very fast, faster then I could gain muscle. I actually did not like the results. I got the wierd flabby skin around my hips and…
  • Maybe you should change your settings to stationary not active. I had my metabolism tested so I know that I can sit on the couch all day and burn 1400. I am very active and normally burn 200-500 calories a day. If I set my settings to active there is no way I could eat my net calories. Lower your settings and add the…
  • What are your goals? I see that you exercise which adds available calories which is great. I am taking the cultural difference into consideration (looks like your are UK and I am USA) but I would decrease the sweets and alcohol and you can add a lot more natural food. Whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa and yams. Lean…
  • I agree that fruit is a natural sugar and fruit comes from the earth so it is good for you and should be eaten through out the day. It is the man made sugar that should be taken out of your diet. Also, like others said, it depends on your body. If you are eating fruit and getting the results that you want, then go ahead,…
  • Gluten free here. I agree with the others, the best meals are naturally gluten free meals made at home. I live off of potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, corn, meat, dairy, veggies and fruit. Like someone else said, be aware of things like nuts, oats, corn chips and things you would think are gluten free but are probably cross…
  • Under the food tab, go to recipes. You can add in each ingredient and how many servings it makes. It will give you the total calories for one serving which you then can add to your journal for the day. It is a great source for regular home made meals you make.
  • With belly fat I believe in prevention! Stay away from processed foods and high fructose corn syrup. It takes a chemistry degree to totally understand it but pretty much your body treats these man made products as a toxin (similar to alcohol). It can not be processed correctly and is often stored as fat in your muscles and…
  • Eating dried fruit can add a lot of sugar to your diet. You tend to eat more of each piece when it is dried and your are not getting the extra filling water that fresh fruit has. Fresh fruit (apples, bananas, oranges, kiwi, plums, peaches, pears) should not attract ants unless they start to go bad. Bring in enough for the…
  • You really need a good high protein recovery meal after a hard workout. I love "Designer Whey" Protein. Vanilla and Chocolate are both great flavors. It has mostly natural ingredients, gluten free and only "100 good for you calories", 18 g protein in one scoop. I have found making a home made protein bar to be the best…