

  • Cape seed bread from bakers delight! Literally the only bread ill eat anymore..... Sooooooo yum
  • This is called an eating disorder. Any kind of obsession with food, yes, and everyone has just admitte to having one. I know because I have had it. The difference is I was never big and got very skinny, so it was noticeable. But even if your not technically 'underweight' that doesn't change the fact that diet has become an…
  • If anything you'll be losing muscle on 1200 calories. If your not eating enough your body gets energy from whatever stores are left; this includes muscles. There's a reason body builders eat thousands of calories a day: muscles are only built if you your body has enough extra calories to build them on top of everything…
  • Coffee Peanuts Licorice Cheese (inc. pizza & cheesecake) Greasy food (like deep fried food, oily stir fries, 'juicy' meats- I like my meat dry!) Salad dressing (oil/vinigar/anything creamy) Cherries Anything on my vegetables Most sauces and condiments (mayonaise ew) Any part of the chicken that isn't the breast Coriander…
  • My family don't eat as clean or healthy as I do, so I have to alter Mexico Mondays a bit ;).... Mexico chicken- cubed chicken breast in passata with a little stock and (homemade) taco seasoning, some spring onions, and greek yogurt. My brothers use sour cream instead or greek yogurt, add cheese, and scoop it up with some…
  • There is no scientific evidence that cholesterol is foods contributed to your cholesterol; hence why eggs and seafood is no longer considered bad for you (watch fat head on YouTube for HEAPS of info like this). Also we all need cholesterol, so it may not even be in your est interest to keep your low. I wouldnt worry too…
  • Apples, strawberries, frozen berries, frozen bananas (like an ice cream yum) frozen portions of meat (chicken, salmon, fish, steak) greek yogurt, almond butter, 85% dark chocolate (VERY important!), eggs, tuna, green tea, sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, oas, wholemeal pasta, canned chickpeas/tomatoes/beans, plenty if…
  • I have the same problem.. Every time I go on the pill I gain weight :( And I've just started taking it again so I'm trying SO hard to eat clean/exercise enough, but I was doing this last time and gained weight anyway! I would try and avoid it but I haven't had my period in 2 and a half years and my skin is paying the…
  • Sugaaaaaaarrrrrrr!!!!!! Muffin, hot chocolate, white bread, so much sugar! Also too much processed food so probably too much salt, Try and make some swaps for fruits veggies and nuts (ie salad on your sandwich, some veggies in your omlette, some fuit and nuts instead of a muffin, fruit smoothie instead of a hot chocolate,…
  • But this is good sugar!!! The sugar found naturally in fruits and vegetables doesn't cause the spike in blood sugar that processed foods cause because they're surrounded by fibre the body has to get to first! Fruits, veges and dairy shouldn't be avoided because of their natural sugar content, as the nutrients they give you…
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