I just turned 43 in November. I am 5'6" and weigh 171 right now. I would love to get down to between 135-145. I was doing really well and had gotten down to 159 but the holidays undid all that. I have had Kayla's ebook program for quite while now and have tried it several times. I can usually make it two or three weeks and…
I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes with two of my pregnancies. The first time I only gained about ten pounds while pregnant. The second time my weight remained exactly the same the entire pregnancy, so once I gave birth and all the water weight and such receded I had actually lost 25 pounds off my pre-pregnancy…
All I see on my Zombies Run app is a 10K training program. Where do you find the 5k one? I am enjoying the C25K app, but I think a zombie program would be so much fun!
Are you talking about the JNL Fusion dvd set? Mine came with a workout schedule that has you working out 6 days a week for 12 weeks. This is probably my favorite workout system ever purchased. There is a lot of high impact but you can modify as needed. If you want more info and reviews on it you should go to…
Hummel Park in Plainfield has some nice walking/biking trails. Plainfield is just a few miles west of Indianapolis. They also have a large playground and you could do some good bodyweight exercises on the equipment. Plainfield also has the Recreation and Aquatic Center which has great group classes and gym equipment as…
The pre-training weeks are only in the updated version of the guide. If you have an older version then the pre-training weeks will not be included.
I finished week 2 last week, but this week has been a total wash for me. My kids' schedules have completely derailed my workouts this week. I'm going to continue with week 3 starting on Monday. I hate missing a week, but I'm not going to give up!
There are quite a few people using the guides right now. There are also a few groups you can join. I am in one called Kayla Itsines' 2015 BBG Team Movement but it isn't a very active group.
Did you get the updated version of the BBG? If you bought it from Kayla then it should be the updated version and include 4 weeks of pre-training. If you bought an old guide off someone else then it won't have the pre-training schedule in it.
I am starting week 2 today. I dread the workouts before I start because they are soooo tough, but I feel fantastic afterwards. I can't wait to see what results I get after a few more weeks.
There are a couple existing groups that I know of. I belong to one called the Kayla Itsines' 2015 BBG Team Movement. It has over a hundred members but no one ever posts. LOL! I agree her workouts aren't any more expensive than some Beachbody products and stuff, but some people are more comfortable spending that money on…
You can find her guides on ebay for pretty cheap. Her guides are pretty expensive but the workouts are fantastic. They look easy on paper but they are killer when you actually do them!
I don't burn anywhere near 400 calories either. I could probably get there if I doubled up the workouts. The only time I burn anywhere close to 400 in half an hour is when I do JNL Fusion or kettlebell workouts which incorporate a lot more cardio.
When I had my first child (nearly 20 years ago!) I lost my baby belly by doing The Firm Classic workouts. Of course, I was a lot younger then and it was easier to lose. Now I am still battling the baby belly after having my youngest daughter 4 years ago. I am just now starting to see a noticeable reduction after working…
Don't be discouraged. HR monitors are really meant to be used for steady state cardio. As andyllll says, they are not accurate for high intensity intervals. Out of curiosity I wore mine during a BBG workout and it said I burned like 385 calories. I knew immediately it was wrong so I don't use it during my workouts.
I did it last year and loved it. Did it for about 8 weeks but had to stop because of pain in my elbow. I plan on doing another rotation this year sometime. It's one of my favorite programs. I didn't lose any weight, but that was due more to my eating. I did get some nice muscle tone from it though.
I tried doing her Metamorphosis workouts. I actually had really good results for the 20 days I lasted. After that I had to quit because it was mind-numbingly boring. However, the video fitness forum I frequent has many Tracy Anderson fans and some are very devoted. I think Tracy is a love/hate kind of person. I just ignore…
Day 5 done! I am really loving these workouts. I usually do dvd programs and am surprised how much I am enjoying the paper program. Do you think it is possible to be feeling stronger already, or is it my imagination?
Oh no! That is terrible! I think that is what happened to me when I was doing JNL Fusion, but I didn't go to a doctor so didn't have an official diagnosis. I just quit working out for a couple weeks besides walking. When I did return to my workouts I started a new program and didn't do JNL anymore. I'm sorry this has…
I work from home, so I built myself a treadmill "desk" and walk for the first hour that I work. I usually can only manage 2.5mph while working, but take the incline up to 40% to make up for the slow speed. I started doing this about 8 months ago and easily lost ten pounds with the walking alone. Up until then I had tried…
You are a lifesaver! I had never heard of that site. It is awesome! Thank you so much. I looked at their recipes and it looks like there is a ton on there I could actually get my family to eat with me. LOL! And I can't wait to replace my creamer. Thanks again.
I did my Arms and Abs workout yesterday and walked on the treadmill for an hour, so got my workout and liss done in one day. I think I will try and get on the treadmill again today if I have time. Not doing so great with the clean eating. I have been good about choosing whole grains over white when eating bread or pasta,…
I did the exact same amount of sets you did! Sounds like we are at a similar starting point. Paige - I just do the jumps on the trampoline. I just have a cheapie Gold's Gym one I got at Walmart, but it does the job. I'm not about spending hundreds of dollars on a trampoline/rebounder. LOL!
Paige, I have a mini-trampoline I do the jumps and stuff on. It really helps take the impact off my knees. My knees bothering me has just started within the last year so I'm hoping they will improve with the exercise. For my workout today I am just going to walk on the treadmill. That has been my go-to cardio for almost a…
My legs aren't nearly as sore as they were the first time I tried the workout a few weeks ago. I think because the first time I used a chair for my bench so I was stepping up pretty high. This time I used my Fanny Lifter from The Firm so it was a shorter step. I am definitely feeling it in my knees though. They are what is…
I have her eating guide but I am not really following it. It is your basic clean-eating, portion control guide. I don't recall that she specifies a calorie range, she stresses measuring portions and staying within a specified portion of each food group each day. I think as long as you eat clean and stay within the calorie…
My name is Jennifer and I live in Indiana. This is my first time doing BBG and I am so excited. I know I need to clean up my eating which is going to be the hard part. I don't eat horribly, but have issues with portion control. I don't care much for sweets, so that is not an issue, but I love my salty snacks. I can easily…
Is the pre-training part of the BBG 2.0? I have the original version so it doesn't include pre-training. After how sore I got doing just a couple days of workouts a few weeks ago I can definitely see where some pre-training would be beneficial to some people.
I'm starting tomorrow. I'm doing walking on the treadmill for my LISS. I'm really excited to see others on here that are doing the program. My sister-in-law is going to be doing it with me, so wish us luck!
I would love to join! I haven't joined any groups since joining MFP. I don't post much because people on here can be so negative and nasty. Hopefully being in a group with people working on the same program and goal will be more motivational and fun.