chucksel Member


  • It sounds like it may be more of a self control issue than a 'bad food' issue. Try reading this book "Your Future Self Will Thank You: Secrets to Self-Control from the Bible and Brain Science". It is based on both science of the brain and The Bible. You can find it on Amaz0n. [No, I am not affiliated with the Author,…
  • You're not eating nearly enough calories. Your body has gone into "protection mode". Eat 1200 calories and watch the weight fall off. Dr. Chuck
  • Everyone here has good insights; particularly 'calorie deficit' e.g. Burn more calories than you consume. A 55 resting heart rate is EXCELLENT for someone your age so you must be fairly fit to begin with. My 'add' is that you should consider getting a heart rate monitor and try to stay in zone 3 for maximum fat burning.…
  • Had it twice in last 10 years. No fun. Both times took several months to go away. Arch support, icing, not running (until healed) and see Podiatrist for possible cortisone shot (instant relief for a bit but NOT a cure). STRETCH, STRETCH, STRETCH those calves before running! OH YEAH! You'll know for sure if it is PF if when…
  • Way to go. You GO, girl! You look GREAT.