astronut96 Member


  • I'm in Houston and it's huge here too. The city shuts down when there's ice on the roads. I usually work from home on Fridays anyway but my son's school was cancelled so he got a free day. We've been calling it the icepocolypse around here.
  • Great job everyone! I was sick Monday & Tuesday so I won't get 6 days of Body Revolution in this week, but I skipped the cardio and will still get all 4 days of interval workouts in. Because I haven't been feeling the best I didn't get up in the morning and work out but did it in the evenings. I'll get back on track in the…
    in goals Comment by astronut96 January 2014
  • My left shoulder was surgically repaired 6 months ago and it's still pretty weak so the arm circles kill it. It will be good to go soon though! :wink:
  • I think these are from 1/2/2014 Chest: 41 Waist: 39 Hips: 46 R arm: 12.5 L arm: 13.25 R thigh: 26.5 L thigh: 26 I'm planning to measure again in the next day or so & I'll post progress (hopefully!)
  • 1/13/2014 - 188.6 lbs 1/20/2014 - 188.8 Feeling crummy so I likely will not make any progress today. :-(
  • SW: 191.8 CW: 188.6 GW: 185 Goals this month: 1. Log all food. I eat pretty healthy but need to work on portion size 2. Work out 6 days/wk; 4 days HIIT, 2 days cardio 3. Work in extra cardio on HIIT days 4. Lay off the snooze button & discipline myself to get up & exercise in the mornings 5. Cut back on Blue Moon…
  • I've done okay on goals. I went a little over my calories one or two days this week but I pretty much knew that would happen since we're celebrating my bf's birthday. We're having a party tonight and I'll have healthy food options but I'm not going to worry about it and get back on track tomorrow. I did get up every…
    in goals Comment by astronut96 January 2014
  • I second that! I hate the kick-outs with arm circles worse than suicides though. It does get better and easier.
  • Born in Virginia but I've spent most of my life here in Houston, TX.
  • I love Jillian Michaels. I'm currently in week 3 of her 12 week Body Revolution program for the second time. Its very challenging but I love it.
  • Hell yeah! \m/ I wake up to Seek & Destroy every morning. 80's is best but I love some of the newer stuff too.
  • This is one area where I don't normally have a problem. Pretty much all I drink is water and coffee, and I've limited myself to 3 cups a day on coffee. Oh, and a couple of adult beverages once or twice a week. :drinker: I used to drink a good amount of soda but now I have one maybe once a month and really haven't craved…
    in Water Comment by astronut96 January 2014
  • 1/13/2014 - 188.6 lbs
  • SW: 191.8 CW: 188.6 GW: 185 Goals this month: 1. Log all food. I eat pretty healthy but need to work on portion size 2. Work out 6 days/wk; 4 days HIIT, 2 days cardio 3. Work in extra cardio on HIIT days 4. Lay off the snooze button & discipline myself to get up & exercise in the mornings 5. Cut back on Blue Moon…
  • I thinking having a "why" is so important. If you don't have goals, even short-term goals, and good reasons for wanting to achieve them, it is really difficult to stick with any weight loss plan, no matter how good the intention.
  • Thanks tigerblue. I log all of my JMBR workouts, but if I do any extra I don't log that. Time is an issue here too but I guess after reading some of the threads I'm curious if others feel the need to do more.
  • Welcome aboard clara! Good luck tigerblue! I'm about to start 3 tomorrow as well. I previewed it yesterday to remind myself since it's been almost a year since I did it the first time. There is a definite step change from 1-2 to 3-4 and 3 is very shoulder intensive. I may have to modify some of the shoulder moves to avoid…
  • I do but I think I'd find it hard to function on less than 1200 net calories. Maybe it's in my head though. :tongue: If I do extra cardio I don't add it in though.
  • I'm fine either way. I'm doing a challenge for January with weekly weigh-ins on Mondays but I'm happy with whatever the group wants.
  • My goals are to stay under my calories, hit my macros (which is harder than I ever imagined it would be), and work out 6 days/week. My goal starting this week had been to get up early & work out before getting ready for work and I did it! Monday-Thursday I got it in early. Today I worked from home so I slept in a little.
    in goals Comment by astronut96 January 2014
  • Hello, I am new to MFP but so far I am really liking the tools & community. I've got about 45 lbs that I need to shed but more importantly I want to get back to being strong & fit. After a lot of hard work I was there up until about 4 years ago. I could spout many reasons for gaining weight back the 50 lbs that I…
  • Ruby - Thanks for the encouragement! I've managed to get up & work out every morning this week. And found that I had so much more energy by the time I got to work. I'm working from home tomorrow so I can sleep in a little. :bigsmile: Everyone have an awesome Friday!
  • Wow that's awesome! Congratulations on your much improved health & well-being.
  • Depends on your size, etc but my heart rate monitor says I burn about 300-350 or so per workout, but a little less than 300 on the cardio.
  • SW: 191.8 CW: 191.8 GW: 185 Goals this month: 1. Log all food. I eat pretty healthy but need to work on portion size 2. Work out 6 days/wk; 4 days HIIT, 2 days cardio 3. Work in extra cardio on HIIT days 4. Lay off the snooze button & discipline myself to get up & exercise in the mornings 5. Cut back on Blue Moon…
  • Woohoo! I actually got up and got my workout in before work this morning! Felt so good to know that it was done and anything else that I do is bonus. Now I just need to do it again tomorrow. Whatabroad - wow, skating in -6 degree weather! You are a better woman than I! :tongue: I've been in Houston for over 30 years now so…
  • 44 here and yes everything has slowed down a bit and recovery has definitely gotten harder. But, I still feel strong & these are definitely some of the best years of my life.
  • Hi there! I use 3 on my recovering shoulder but 5, 8 & 10 for biceps & upper back.