astronut96 Member


  • Awesome work! Very inspiring to me as I am about the same age, stats & history. 2009 is even the year the I fell off the fitness wagon & weight started creeping up until I had put on 40 lbs. I love your attitude as well .... It's the same one that I've been trying to maintain - I don't care how long it takes, I WILL get…
  • I don't really consider it a cheat since I try to fit it in my calories for the day, but my indulgence is Hooters wings with a Big Daddy size Blue Moon beer (or two). Occasionally I have the fries too but mostly I exercise a little restraint and skip them.
  • This goes for me too. I love my juicer but I use it to supplement and get extra nutrients. I eat a lot of whole fruit and veggies too so it's probably not necessary but I've come to love the taste of my go-to juices so I make some a few times a week. I am also a member of a local CSA (community sponsored agriculture) and…
  • This for starters. Being healthy & strong is a choice and by the same token, leading an unhealthy lifestyle is a choice too. Life gets in the way sometimes but ultimately it is up to ME to decide how I handle it and let it affect me. My biggest WHY is my mother. She was diagnosed with lupus many, many years ago and over…
  • Excellent NSVs everyone! Latest one was going from a tight 14 in Dec to fitting into my favorite size 10 shorts last weekend. Granted I think they're big for 10s but I'm still counting it! Doing a few military style push-ups. I'm 8 months removed from shoulder surgery so this is a double win. 8.25 inches lost so far.…
  • Good for you for wanting to make changes to better your life. Facing our biggest fears is so hard to do. Take baby steps (as I'm sure you already know) and don't beat yourself up if fear wins some days. On those days do something active at home (there's tons of options) and remember that tomorrow is a new day. Keep taking…
  • Hi everyone, I am smack in the middle of my 44th year. I've lost a little over 10 lbs since December, with 30-40 more to go. I just got back from a mini vacation to the Texas hill country where I did not watch my food or beverage :drinker: calories very closely so I'm getting back on track today. I'm in my last month of…
  • I have several too and love them all. I'm a C cup & they keep me comfortable during HIIT sessions. They're pricey but worth it in my opinion.
  • I work out 5-6 days per week but I have a sedentary job so I'm typically more active on the weekends. Since I'm moving more I relax my food choices a bit as well. I don't go crazy but I typically have a few beers or mixed drinks (which I log) and don't freak out if I go over my calorie goal for the day. I try to keep in…
  • +1 on hating chickpeas but love hummus. I make my own and use great northern beans instead of chickpeas. Also can't stand quinoa! I've tried but I just can't do it. And I second the hatred of Lima beans .... And green peas. That's lifelong hatred on both.
  • I started phase 3 today after spending 3 1/2 weeks on the last half of phase 2. I did about as well as I expected but those rock star squats or whatever they're called were a joke. I am not that damn flexible lol. I'll I have to work my way up to those. :laugh: My shoulder is still lagging behind but it is progressing and…
  • I feel your pain (no pun intended). I had surgery to repair the same tendon last July. Mine didn't come from a specific event or injury, it just deteriorated over the years until it was 95% torn from the bone. The recovery from surgery wasn't fun but like the pain of childbirth, the memory fades quickly and now I'm…
  • "Well, it wasn't all that bad reaching that summit. It’s so cliche, but the journey matters so much more than the destination. Your life is not on pause until you reach your goal weight; it’s in motion. Challenges and rewards are always right in front of you, waiting to be grabbed." Very well written and inspiring,…
  • You got this! It's frustrating to struggle with new levels but they're intended to push us. I just finished the 2nd week of 7-8 but I'm going to do one more week at this level before I move on. I feel pretty sure the gain in your waist measurement is an aberration. You've come so very far ... Don't let it get you down.…
  • I started having problems with my left shoulder 10+ years ago. It was originally diagnosed as bursitis and I was given a cortisone shot and sent to physical therapy, both of which helped to a degree. Over the years I tried not to let it keep me from doing anything and worked out regularly, keeping my limitations in mind.…
  • I'm on weeks 7-8 of my second round (the first was cut short by shoulder surgery). I love the program ... It's tough but very effective and I don't get bored. I also go at my own pace bc of my shoulder so if at the end 2 weeks I don't feel like I should move up to the next level, I simply stay at the same level for another…
  • I feel guilty if I don't work out on a day that I'm supposed to, and I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. I think that feeling helps keep us accountable to ourselves. Another thing, you may find that taking the time to work out - even with everything going on - may help you to handle the stress you're under. It…
  • I failed to log last week ... 2/17/2014 - 184.4
  • When work got really hectic I had to start working out in the morning or I'd end up doing it at 8pm and that was affecting my sleep. Monday-Friday I get up at 4:30ish, mix up some BCAA powder in water and drink it while I'm setting up my mat & weights for my workout. On Saturday I sleep in a bit and eat breakfast first…
  • How did 7 go?
  • 1/13/2014 - 188.6 lbs 1/20/2014 - 188.8 1/27/2014 - 189.2 2//52014 - 187.6 (forgot to weigh & log Monday)
  • I'm on my first week of 5 & 6. I've only lost about 4 lbs so far but I definitely feel stronger & I've lost inches. I keep expecting that one day I'll step on the scale & be 10 lbs down :bigsmile:
  • SW: 191.8 CW: 188.6 GW: 185 Goals this month: 1. Log all food. I eat pretty healthy but need to work on portion size 2. Work out 6 days/wk; 4 days HIIT, 2 days cardio 3. Work in extra cardio on HIIT days 4. Lay off the snooze button & discipline myself to get up & exercise in the mornings 5. Cut back on Blue Moon…
  • I have one that is an elliptical. It took some time to get it set properly to avoid banging my knees on the desk but to me it's been worth it. I don't count it as exercise though - I use it strictly to keep blood flowing in my lower body since I sit most of the day.
  • SW: 191.8 CW: 188.6 GW: 185 Goals this month: 1. Log all food. I eat pretty healthy but need to work on portion size 2. Work out 6 days/wk; 4 days HIIT, 2 days cardio 3. Work in extra cardio on HIIT days 4. Lay off the snooze button & discipline myself to get up & exercise in the mornings 5. Cut back on Blue Moon…
  • 1/13/2014 - 188.6 lbs 1/20/2014 - 188.8 1/27/2014 - 189.2 A bit discouraging to go the wrong direction but the measurements are down so I'm not too concerned.
  • Awesome! Keep it up. :smile: I'm doing workouts 3-4 for an extra week to give my shoulder more time to catch up but I'm planning on going on to phase 2 next week.
  • Count me in too ... Metal-head since the 80's. I'll bang my head till the day I die.
  • Starting 1/2: Chest: 41 Waist: 39 Hips: 46 R arm: 12.5 L arm: 13.25 R thigh: 26.5 L thigh: 26 Current 1/25: Chest: 40 -1 Waist: 37.5 -1.5 Hips: 45 -1 R arm: 12.5 No change L arm: 13 -.25 R thigh: 26 -.5 L thigh: 25.5 -.5 Long way to go but making progress!
  • I had shoulder surgery 6 months ago and was released to start building strength back (carefully) just before Christmas. I'm in weeks 3-4 of Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and yesterday I was able to do a few military push-ups, plank-ups and crab dips without modifying. It's not much but just a week ago I couldn't do any…