What is your WHY?



  • BKNeenz
    BKNeenz Posts: 17 Member
    My main reason is that I just want to be able to look in the mirror and feel good about myself...but there's a lot that goes into that. The first is purely physical, as it is with many of us. I want to wear that smokin' hot dress or that bathing suit and not feel like a beached whale trapped in a contraption. lol. Don't get me wrong, I love me. I am awesome and fun and professionally ambitious and creative etc etc. But I know that by allowing myself to get this out of shape and heavy, all I'm doing is hurting myself. I travel a lot and therefore love to hike but I get so tired and winded I find myself skipping these kinds of activities. I don't want to miss out anymore. It took me a long time to come to terms with the fact that my weight gain has a lot to do with my bad knee. All that extra weight on my joints is not good!

    So feeling good about myself when I look in the mirror isn't just about looking good in that dress but to know that I am accomplishing something *for* myself.
  • suncluster
    suncluster Posts: 539 Member
    I don't want to look like this EVER again!!!!!!
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    I want to look better than I do already and keep looking better as I age. I'm seeing way too many hot mamas in their 40s, 50s,60;s etc and I want to be like them in my 40s, 50s, 60 etc. Hopefully Ill live another 50 years, God willing.

    That's my reasons for now. Nothing to do with impressing others as I have always got compliments and even now people wonder why I want to continue to lose so no issues with others putting me down. I'm my own worse enemy. May be a little of a control issue or having control of something in my life..my weight and appearance.

    Also, if I can commit to my appearance and health then maybe I will commit to the other projects in my life wholeheartedly.
  • thirteeninches
    thirteeninches Posts: 61 Member
    This is a really good OP and yes it did get me thinking. I'm new here, and just filled out this question in my profile, but I realize I didn't answer it completely.

    I've lost weight before. Both times I lost > 70 lbs and came within 10 pounds of my ideal weight. Both times I gained it all back, and then some.

    The first time the weight came off effortlessly after my first husband died. Of course, it wasn't healthy-not at first. When I reached about 160 lbs I finally realised I was losing and started actually eating again, but healthfully, and exercising. Then I met HIM.

    HE was a mistake, and I knew it the first time I saw him and thought in my head "Loser!" but I was still grieving and miserable. Long story short, I gained it all back, and topped out at 214, almost 20 lbs greater than my previous high weight.

    I was lucky enough that he cheated on me only after three years of marriage. Wish he would have done it sooner. I'd like those years back. Anyway, another weight loss extravaganza took place. My sense of self-worth plummeted, as he left me for a girl half my age and half my size. Revenge dieting. I did everything right this time, exercise, careful nutrition. I felt great and looked great, but it didn't stick. I got over him and gained it all back, plus some. I topped out at 228 lbs.

    Last December I went to the doctor and stood on the scale and watched the nurse balance me out at nearly 230lbs. I know how to lose weight. It's not hard at all. Calories in, calories out and exercise and sweat. I know how good it feels to get that burn, to feel strong. I never feel so powerful and in love with myself as when I'm pushing through a strength/cardio set, with my face dripping and my heart beating strong.

    This last time when I gained the weight back, I realised something. I've lived my life for others, always thinking my happiness depended on their happiness. I thought my only worth was in what I could do for other people, and never what I could do just for me. I was a care giver to my first husband, who was multiply disabled. I was a counselor/fixit/therapist to my emotionally messed up second husband. Now I'm a care giver to my mentally disabled sister, my elderly mother, and my nearly adult autistic son. So much of my life is taking care of others, that taking care of myself is... well... it's better than chocolate to me. It's better than pizza, better than ice cream. It's like winning the lottery. It's almost as good as sex!

    So I've lost about 27 lbs before I joined MFP. I've got 75-80 more to go, and I know why I'm doing it. It's the one thing in my life, the only thing I am doing purely for selfish reasons. I'm doing this for me :)
  • dianalee9
    dianalee9 Posts: 134 Member
    First of all, GREAT POST!!!

    My Why is: I'm tired of being fat! I'm tired of looking in the mirror and not being happy with what I see. I want to be able to wear what I want, and not what my "size" allows. I want to wear shorts in the summer and not be totally self-conscious the whole time. I want to be healthy and fit! I want to rock a bikini. I want to prove to all the people who said that I can't, that I CAN.

    I think of my ex-coworker who said, "I'll believe when I see it", when we had a discussion about weight loss. I think of my current coworker who talks about working out to the other girls in the office, but stops talking when I walk in the room, cause you know, I'm fat, therefore OBVIOUSLY don't know anything about exercise.:grumble: I can't wait to prove them both wrong.

    But my biggest WHY and the one that matters to me the most is: I noticed how much my weight was affecting my relationship with my husband. NOT because he cares, but because I became so self-conscious about my weight that I couldn't be myself around him. I have always said that if anything came between me and my husband that I would kill it, so the fat has to die!! :devil:

    ETA: Being down 24 pounds with MFP and another 10 prior to joining here. Things with the hubby are great! bow-chicka-bow-wow :smokin:
  • velvet_violence
    My main reason is that I am sick of being so damn cold all the time. Since I am under the impression that my thyroid could function better, even if Kaiser doesn't feel like treating it, I want to do what I am able to get it functioning as optimally as I can through diet and exercise before I pay out of pocket to see a naturopath. In my mind this means breaking through the barriers of truly having to eat less and move more than I was, and in my perhaps biased mind, more than others seemingly have to. (Mom Dx'ed hypo @ age 10 and I have basically 80% of the Sx.)

    I do also want children in a couple years and am already risking fertility by being a later mother, if I can change my shape and have fewer complications that seems rather win-win. Another major reason that I am kind of embarrassed to mention are the micro-aggressions I have recently noticed against my size. For some reason ever since one person in my life made it perfectly clear that their veiled insults were in fact very insulting I am having a hard time not seeing venomous content in other statements. Perhaps connected, I am also a person whose severe childhood trauma is clearly linked with their weight gain and since I am healing from that it makes sense that my body gets the opportunity to change with my mind.

    Thanks for asking!!
  • amylg05
    amylg05 Posts: 89 Member
    Awesome post, thanks! Also, awesome reasons from people on here.

    Mine probably seems a bit shallow compared to some but honestly I just want to look good. I dont ever want to have to disgusted by myself or feel insignificant to everyone else when im in a group of people because of how I look. I was bullied in high school for being 'fat' - not that I particulary was, I just wasnt skinny and this has given me a serious lack of confidence in myself over the years. So, yeah I just want to look damn freaking hot in a pair of denim shorts ^-^ Also, I have just been diagnosed with PCOS...losing weight is the best thing to get rid of the issues this brings but this is more of a second reason!
  • luca15306
    luca15306 Posts: 108 Member
    Don't like being the Fat one :(..that's my why...
  • texstorm
    texstorm Posts: 158 Member
    My why is an 8 year old girl named Emma.

    My own parents were absent and neglectful. I'm a fully engaged father who wants to be there for his daughter for as long as is possible.

    Mike, this is a fantastic thread.

  • tiffanycherie
    tiffanycherie Posts: 97 Member
    My Why(s) are
    - I'm tired of being fat and tired
    - I want to be healthy
    - I'm scared that I could have a heart attack
    - It would feel so awesome to not have to worry/think about my weight All The Time
    - I love my kids too much
    - I want to be sexy for my husband
    - To be happy and confident
  • astronut96
    astronut96 Posts: 73 Member
    my why is simply because I know I can... because I know that I control every choice I make and every step I take and I want to be able to own more successes than failures....

    This for starters. Being healthy & strong is a choice and by the same token, leading an unhealthy lifestyle is a choice too. Life gets in the way sometimes but ultimately it is up to ME to decide how I handle it and let it affect me.

    My biggest WHY is my mother. She was diagnosed with lupus many, many years ago and over the years her life has revolved around medications. She's 73 now and has also developed osteoporosis, COPD, high blood pressure, a-fib, and colitis. She weighs next to nothing and while she's still able to get around and do stuff, physically her body is just shot and she spends most of her time on the couch reading. Thankfully her mind is as sharp as ever.

    I have always taken after my dad more than my mom (I was and still am a tomboy) but I love my mother very dearly. She was never very active and I truly believe that if physical fitness had been important to her, she would be in better shape today. I honestly believe that health can be mostly controlled with physical activity and a good diet. At the very least it can prepare your body to handle things that it can't prevent. I'm 44 and so far I don't have to take any oral medications and I'd like to keep it that way. The autoimmune gene that caused my mother's lupus manifested in me as psoriasis, which is related to RA, so I am very motivated to keep my body as strong as possible.

    My mother has asked me why I do the things I do like working out, riding 4-wheelers, etc and my answer is "because I can". At some point my body is going to start telling me that it can't do what it once did and I choose to do what I can to delay that day.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    You all have such amazing reasons why you want to be fitter and healthier. I'm trying to read as many as I can. Use your why or someone else's to fuel your motivation or purpose to get off the couch, push play, get outside, eat healthier or whatever it is you need to do to live up to the reasons you mentioned. If you need someone in your corner, by all means send me a friend request. I have been through the trenches. I used to smoke, chew, eat fast food 3-4 times a week, drink 3-4 sodas a day and not think about tomorrow. I know it can be hard at times and realize it is going to take some work. But if you stick with it, be patient, and set goals, you will get there.

    Please keep sharing.
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    Best post on MFP!!!
    My why is because life was passing me by... I refused to be in pictures and still do because of my weight and I couldn't stand to look in the mirror. I was this person I didn't know anymore...

    Today - I love to run and I don't mind counting calories. Cutting out carbs was the best thing I could have done. I feel like a new person. I'm focused and have energy all day. Before I wouldn't eat until dinner and then binge, so I felt terrible all day and gained weight like crazy.

    I'm going to do this, for me and my family. I will look good but more importantly, I will feel good. I'll be that strong, fit person I'm always jealous of.

    I will be a good role model for my children and my family. We can do this!
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    I am tired of being feeling sick and tired. I don't want to become even more sick and even more tired. I want to become more active and be full of energy to enjoy the most out of life.
  • tinamariecleg
    tinamariecleg Posts: 99 Member
    My why is simple..to be a good role model for my 13 year old son.
  • cicisiam
    cicisiam Posts: 491 Member
    Important to always keep in mind. Great post. Thank you.
    Hey everyone,
    More often than not, I see the same statement come from a lot of people about their fitness journey. "I started up, but then I quite xx amount of days later." Or, " I made it 2-3 months, but couldn't keep up with it." So I started thinking, what is it that keeps people from continuing on? What was it that kept me going on? I read or listened to a small segment by Darren Hardy called Making the shift, I believe that was it, and he touched on the subject of what is it that drives us to pursue something. The main reason, your WHY has to be strong enough.

    Imagine that you are on a high rise building and there is a skinny platform about 30 feet long going from your roof top to the building across the way from you. You are asked to cross to the other side. Chances are, you probably don't want to. Now imagine there is a $10 bill on the other side. You might be more tempted, but is it enough to really make you want to do that? Probably not. Now, imagine your child or loved one is in danger on that other side. I'm willing to bet that you are going to do everything you can to get to that side. What changed? Your WHY changed. Crossing a 30 foot platform just for the thrill of it or $10 wasn't a big enough reason why, but a loved in danger might be.

    Now, imagine applying that same mindset to your fitness journey and life style change. Is your WHY big enough? I believe one of the reasons why some people don't make it past that few day or couple month period is that there WHY isn't big enough, so the willingness to stick it out and achieve their goal isn't really there.

    My why goes beyond wanting to look good in shorts or have 6 pack abs. Mine is to avoid a hereditary disease and live long enough to see my children's children grow up. My family has a history of diabetes. Both great grandparents, my grandfather, mother, and uncle all have or had diabetes. My uncle was just diagnosed a few years ago, and my mother, god bless her, lost the fight a few months back. A couple of years ago I weighed the most I ever had, didn't care what I ate or drank because I assumed I would be one of the lucky ones that the disease skipped. I then realized that was a bad mindset, so I changed it. I made the choice to want to eat better, exercise, and prevent the possibility of contracting diabetes and being insulin dependent. I did not want to leave it up to chance. Sure, I would exercise a little, go for a run here and there, eat something healthier, but my WHY wasn't defined, Therefore I was inconsistent and not really doing myself any favors. So, I changed my WHY.

    I understand that at times, life can get in the way and slow us down. An injury, drastic change in your lifestyle routine, but when it boils down it it, your reason will remain the foundation for your success. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or you have been making a lifestyle change for years. Do you truly know why you are exercising? Do you really know why you have chosen to eat a little cleaner? When you understand why it is important to YOU, you are more likely to succeed and stick with it.

    I hope this has you thinking a little bit. If so, then what is your WHY?
  • mandamerlot
    mandamerlot Posts: 180 Member
    Love this <3!

    My why is my daughter. I want her to see first hand what living a proactive healthy lifestyle is instead of growing up with a mom who is reacting to weight gain. I want her to understand that eating well and exercising are important to having a balanced healthy and long life!
  • Jlbland123
    Jlbland123 Posts: 34 Member
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Why? I wanted to get laid. Totally worked.