What is your WHY?



  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    My why started with "Chest Pains"; maybe significant maybe not. But the bottom line is it scared me and I am to young to have a heart attack. But I also don't miss several things like not being able to breath and tie my shoes at the same time.
  • ddino
    ddino Posts: 12 Member
    My Whys: I'm tired of feeling invisible and overly self-conscious. It might be because of my self-consciousness that I feel invisible, but I feel like I'm overlooked and not taken seriously at work. I want to know that I'm attractive to my husband. Even if he says I am, I feel unattractive, and I am very aware that if I'm feeling that way, I'm giving that off as well, so it's hard to imagine he could see me any other way. I'm tired of being the biggest person in my book club, in the preschool line, in business meetings... everywhere, it seems. I want to feel pretty and confident again; feelings that have been totally lost to me over the past 6 years.
  • atfirstblush
    atfirstblush Posts: 88 Member
    My why is because I don't want to be known as the the "Fat Grandma" to my grand kids and I want to stop being invisible to people that I meet. You kind of get dismissed by people that you meet when you are overweight. The biggest why is because it's time that I started to like the way I look and feel again.
  • katkins73
    katkins73 Posts: 416 Member
    I got to the biggest I have ever been at 173lbs at 5ft1 and it has really shocked me. I know I have to get this weight down now or I will just keep piling it on and will lose myself forever :frown: I am a mature student and being around lots of slim 20-somethings makes me think I can give them a run for their money if I stick to this! I want to show myself I can do this. I have achieved so many other things with pure hard work so why should my health be any different?
  • Austinetc
    Austinetc Posts: 74 Member
    Because I don't like myself. I don't know if being closer to my proper weight will help, but it can't hurt.

    I also want to pedal my [first] road bike faster/farther. To get a little fit, I learned that I love biking. Now my love of biking demands that I get more fit.

    I want to be a good example to my children, which seems to be working. One finished his first marathon this year, the other just ran her first 10K. I don't know how much credit I deserve, but whatever.

    Because when I retire, I don't want to be retiring.
  • jedwards7425
    jedwards7425 Posts: 38 Member
    Awesome post!

    I want to do things with my son. All things, not just the ones that I can do without too much activity.

    I want to ride roller coasters! I WILL ride them in July...

    I want to live a long, healthy life with the woman that I love more than anything!
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    Makes a change from the 'Why are you fat' post.
  • Woodspoon
    Woodspoon Posts: 223 Member
    A kick up the backside from my GP about me being on the verge of being type 2 diabetes got me started but once I'd got started I'm just too stubborn to quit.
    I feel like I've put too much effort in, to stop just because, I don't feel like doing it one day, I'm determined not to be beaten by myself.
    I've noticed far too many improvements, physical and psychological ones to not continue.
    It's a far better direction to take my habit of 'pushing things as far as I can before something bad happens', than I've gone in the past .
    I just dont want to be part of the obesity problem, I want to be part of the solution
  • dtr1960
    dtr1960 Posts: 1
    My WHY....to change this diabetes forecast. My mother is 95 years old. Her diabetes is, I guess, in remission because she no longer has to take insulin. But she is blind and she suffers from dementia. I am 53 and I want to retire but I have some years to go. I want to live until retirement age of 67 and I want to be healthy enough to get a part-time job. I want at least one week where I don't HAVE to get up before 8am! I want to eat M&M's once in a while. :smile:
  • Kimbie500
    Kimbie500 Posts: 388 Member
    Fantastic post! Thank you!
  • runway12
    runway12 Posts: 63 Member
    I want to hiking and surfing when I'm 80, not stuck inside.

    I love being happy and confident with my body.

    I like to see results of hard work (is there a better feeling?)

    I like to be a motivation to others. : )
  • AME902
    AME902 Posts: 10
    I was having a horrible time with stomach and intestine issues, migraines, acid reflux and a slew of other health issues, getting sick all the time when I decided I needed to make some major changes in my life. Right after 4th of July weekend in 2012 I decided enough is enough and did some research on some healthier ways to live which included mainly changing my dietary habits. I said goodbye to dairy foods and immediately stopped having intestinal problems. I knocked red meats right out of the ring and immediately stopped having to take my acid reflux medicine. I don't take it anymore. I don't need it anymore. I stopped eating processed foods and cut out almost all sugar and started reading labels. I went for healthier foods, replacing beans and nuts for protein and coconut milk and almond milk for dairy products. I added exercise into the mix and in the course of 8 or 9 months I dropped 40 lbs.

    I got stuck for about 6 months or so and had to "reset" my body. I just now restarted with my calorie counting, using my MFP app every day again and doing 6 days a week exercise, just a little stationary biking and indoor walking.

    I haven't been to a doctor in almost 2 years now since doing these changes. I don't want to go back to my bad eating habits, indulge only occasionally in an ice cream a cheeseburger once a year and well done fries, my favorite. I also have a few slices of pizza in the summer but the cheese doesn't agree with me and I suffer afterwards with stomach issues so I really don't miss pizza too much anymore. Sometimes the 5 seconds of heaven in my mouth is not worth the stomach aches for 2 days and I know it so my favorite foods are just not that important to me anymore.

    This is the reason why I started MFP and this is the reason why I keep going.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    To the wife of the man renal failure: Prayers to you and your family. I've helped folks with this (home health) so I have an idea of what you are going though. You are his biggest blessing!

    I workout for my sport (kick boxing). I want to be a bad a** like my Grand Master when I'm 85 and tossing 20 yr old black belts around like toys! Whoop!
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    It must be so awesome knowing you are no longer dependent on medications. Keep up the good work.
    Fantastic post!!

    My WHY --- to live longer without medications. Lose weight, lose medications - plain and simple. I am no longer taking insulin and my oral medication is 1/4 of what it used to be. No BP meds. Can walk up and down stairs without gasping for breath.

    This lifestyle I have made is a commitment to the end. Yes I have flaws in the body but the body is looking better each day and feeling even better with less drugs being pumped into it.

    Staying in contact through this site with folks who have the same WHYs makes it easier to maintain.
  • carmenlampman3
    carmenlampman3 Posts: 10 Member
    THANK YOU FOR THIS POST. My "why"-and I think someone else said it as well: I am so tired of starting over and I am tired of quitting. I want to be amazed at myself. I am capable. I want to look in the mirror and know that I saw myself through to be the healthiest me I can be! I want to control my food - not the other way around. I have spent over 1/2 of my adult life wishing I felt better, wishing I looked differently.....time is precious and I need to move on now. Now is the time. During the football season one of our SEAHAWKS said: my dad used to say to me: "why not you Russell?". That comment resonated with me. Why not me? Why can't I be the best me? I am in this to win it. :happy:
  • joannaphipps00
    joannaphipps00 Posts: 21 Member
    My why is simple, just before xmas I was hospitalized with Congestive Heart Failure. That is about as close to death as I want to come for many years. While laying in the ICU ward my doctor suggested that I loose some weight. Now I had a reason to but I still didn't start until after xmas when I found that I had gained back everything that I had lost in the hospital.

    That along with the fact that both my roomies had started a weight loss program gave me the impetus I needed to start mine and stay with it. I'm down 13 LB and wondering how long my wardrobe will hold out before I have start replacing things.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    That is a powerful Why. Your husband will be in my prayers for a healthy turn for the best.
    My WHY --- to set a healthy example for my husband who is struggling with end stage kidney failure. Also, when the time comes and he needs a new kidney I want to by physically able to donate a kidney to him if I am a match!
  • acollis1
    acollis1 Posts: 167 Member
    My Why is easy - My family, I want to be around for a long time for my children and husband, I want to set a good example. Your kids notice what you do more than you think. My 7 yr old likes to be like me and she "works out" she can do some pretty mean push ups and sit ups! I am hoping to inspire them to be healthy and help them live long happy lives.
    Also I am addicted to that awesome feeling you get right after a good workout, I like to feel strong and I like when people tell me how good I look :tongue: