Not specifically Keto, my BP and Cholesterol all normalise when I'm around 14 - 15 stone, however I get there!
Hi Rileysowner - I've been using urine test strips
Thanks Ann I'm 49 and my goal is to lose weight to look better and it helps keep my cholesterol and blood pressure in step. I had an operation last winter and put on weight while recuperating. The operation was on my abdomen and I have had to change my job and have moved from an active job to an office job so I am much…
Hi guys The 1500 calorie figure was there by default from previous diets and everything I had read to date stated not to go by it. So effectively I still need to cut calories to a max of 1500, measure and weight better and stick to 20g carbs?
Cheers for that!
Cheers guys - that's very helpful and encouraging - Have been on the treadmill every day for a month so far (which is the longest since I was 16! ) and I want to keep going without getting injured so all this advice really helps. Thanks everyone!
Cheers for the advice mate - hoping that pushing myself harder for those 3 sessions will compensate for the lack of calories burnt by the missing days!