

  • So for someone new to this *yoga* stuff.. what would you guys recommend I start out with?? :O
  • Well I mean MY thinking (and what i've noticed in the past when I was much more fit) was that I would run- bulk up from the running and then if I continued to run PAST that 'akward stage' if you will then I would always LOSE the fat that I had, and my muscles would continue to develop.. Which is why I was confused about…
  • well I mean. I've heard muscle memory can play a big role in how quick your body bounces back from i dunno..hibernation? haha. I've always just been really muscular and at my peak of my track sprinting I weighed 140, while a lot of other girls weighed like 120 or 110, haha. (It was pretty obvious I was almost solid as…
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