

  • Welcome to the site!!!
  • - sort of like Perez hilton but better because they have a horde of papparazi to get the gossip facebook mfp
  • Do you usually buy bras from VS? A couple of my friends say they have to go up a cup size in that store because the bras are made smaller. ....Now, this is according to them, I don't wear VS bras so I can't confirm this rumor.
  • I find stuff is inconsistent as well but I believe that even though the product name and serving size is the same, the nutritional info is different depending on what country the item was packaged/prepared in. For example, I find the Stouffer's Lean Cuisines produced in Canada, are way different than the American version,…
  • I personally found that the SlimFast powder was a nightmare to properly mix. I always had weird little undissolved pockets of chocolate powder floating on top. I think it has trouble dissolving because the milk is so cold. Might be a lot of work but maybe try making it with a hand-held mixer or in a blender. I think you…
  • I don't have any direct experience with this, but I have heard it's great! My friend is Arabic and she does sugaring all the time. She swears by it. She's always telling me to try it, but I'm just too lazy and I can handle the razor. Anyway, she buys the pre-made kits at Lebabese/Middle Eastern specialty grocery stores.…
  • 1) PMS 2) Taste. oh my....taste taste TASTE! it's the only reason I eat. Because things taste good. I just love to taste things. :love: My palate will never be appeased. When I'm sick with a cold and my sinuses have blocked & my sense of taste is gone, I don't eat at all. 3) Watching other ppl eat. Seeing them enjoy food…
  • I agree with the dislike of movies on the first date. It's sort of awkward to be sitting (in the dark) next to someone you barely know, and can't really talk to (as you will disturb others around you). Mini putt is good, so is bowling, or going to an outdoor concert. If you do end up doing the movie, then I suggest going…
  • I hear ya loud and clear. The other day I had extra calories leftover from my day. A guest brought over a giant box of Dunkin Donuts. I don't usually eat donuts to begin with, but I had one double chocolate glazed donut. And for a good 3 hours afterwards I felt like I had a paperweight trapped in my stomach. I felt…
  • Cheesy Dippinchunks.... Well THAT made me hungry!
  • Hi LonelyPilgrim, I have a little calorie booklet from a Subway store here. In it, a 6-inch Turkey Breast & Ham sub is listed at 290 Calories. (this Value includes: Whole wheat bread, lettuce, onions, green peppers, pickles and olives) Now, on another page it gives the calorie counts for just the breads alone. A 6-inch…
    in Subway? Comment by milomoose April 2008