

  • I weigh everything also. On the weekends I'll make little snack bags to take to work, weigh some almonds, cashews, grapes, strawberries, or whatever. and put each serving in a little ziploc bag. That way when I leave in the morning I can take some single serving bags to work with me.
  • There are a few groups you could look into joining. Such as "Team UK" and "British People!". Good luck!
  • Hello, I'm Brian. 41 years old in Southern California. I mainly play MMOs myself. Played WOW from the time it came out until the MoP release. I kind of got burnt out on WOW and play Guild Wars 2 and LOTRO now. Nice not having a monthly subscription anymore. I also play console games with my son. Mainly all the LEGO games,…
  • I was also going to ask if the 1200 calorie per day comment was sarcasm - is that what everyone says they're doing? I actually try to net about 1200/day, I usually eat between 1400-1500/day and then exercise to bring it back down to 1200. I have lost around 25 pounds in 3-4 months and I'm never really hungry and feel great.