Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • Hello!

    Relatively new to MFP, but certainly not to gaming. Was given an Atari 2600 for Christmas one year...long ago...and the rest is RPG history. Some of my favorites would be: Final Fantasy 3, Lunar Silver Star Story, Vay, Secret of Mana, Zelda Link to the Past, Popful Mail, Shadowrun, Shining Force, Phantasy Star and Chrono Trigger. I played the original Quake online a lot back in the day, and participated in more LAN parties and clan wars than I could count. I am also a huge fan of the Need for Speed series, and occasionally get drawn into a race or two with one of my boys in NFS World. These days my gaming is usually limited to winter, as the rest of the year I am far too busy with outdoor type things to find time. If I am playing, chances are I can be found in World of Warcraft, which has been my mainstay since 2006, just before Burning Crusades. I still miss raiding Kara and SSC!

    Couple all of that nonsense with the fact that I'm an office jockey, and it isn't too hard to figure out HOW I became overweight. So, the wife and I have decided a life change is in order, hence we began this journey about 8 weeks ago or so. We're not getting any younger, and we'd both appreciate being around for any grandchildren, if either of our boys decide they want to have kids one of these days. Personally I'm okay if they want to wait a while, there are many things that I'd like to do and see now that we're approaching empty nest syndrome. LOL. 17lbs down, a bunch more to go, but for now we'll take it one day at a time and hope for the best.

    Feel free to add me if you wish, im sure we could all use some extra encouragement and motivation!
  • NotSoBigNeil
    NotSoBigNeil Posts: 215 Member
    Howdo! Neil, 42 from Englandshire and have been into gaming since Manic Miner and Chuckie Egg on the ZX Spectrum :laugh:
    Now into Xbox mainly, the precious little free time I get you can find me getting my *kitten* handed to me on Blops2 or running round the treetops killing small animals on AC3 (awesome game btw, Blops2 is a tad frustrating)
    Nice to see so many MFP users into gaming, if you wanna add me for an easy few kills on Blops2 (or Blops1,MW1,2 and 3) the username is Mr Lumpfish :bigsmile:
    Have fun!!
  • eldarkangel
    eldarkangel Posts: 25 Member

    Name; Dan, Dani, Daniel,

    Location; Surrey,Epsom,Wimbledon, South East London UK area.....

    I love my Xbox 360 and somehow plan to shed the pounds. Can anyone help? I need some special codes or moves as the cross trainer at the mo is my only friend.


  • BigH80
    BigH80 Posts: 280 Member

    I'm a 32 year old male from Arkansas. I game mainly on Xbox but I do have a ps3 and a psn gamer tag but I couldn't tell you what it is without looking at my ps3. I play mainly cod series games. I have other sports games and the halo series. However I play none of them well. I don't take it serious i just like to get online and have some fun. I have a headset and mic so if anybody would like to play on xbox live just shoot me a message for my gamer tag.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member

    Name's Alex. 22 year old from Virginia, moving to Toronto next summer (yesss).

    Started on n64 playing lara croft and batman beyond. finally got a ps2 of my own, god of war i & ii, final fantasy x, medal of honor frontline, etc. computer gaming i played world of warcraft for a couple years (raided with my boyfriend while we were in separate countries) ripped it up as my enhancement shaman, hunter and frost mage. quit summer/fall '11. played some diablo 3, deus ex, various other cheap steam games. (Steam name is fueledbysake, haven't been on much lately) wii i play mario kart, twilight princess, paper mario and super mario galaxy. nintendo ds i love harvest moon (but ps2 version is better imo) pokemon silver and black, and some kirby games.

    all over the map i guess! what's up all!
  • Hello everyone, where to begin

    I own a gaming laptop and an xbox

    My favourite game of all time has to be dark souls, amazing game!

    Im always buying random games on steam to try, lately I've started playing metro 2033 and planetside 2

    my xbox gamertag is IBholder, I play cod fifa and will try any game :)

    add me on xbox or on here, I like to think im pretty cool
  • Hello! My name is Cat and I'm 18 and live in Rhode Island. I'm a casual gamer, I play mostly indie games and I suck at first person shooters. I like adventure games such as Journey and I have a soft spot for RPGs. I'm sort of a boring person but I hope to make friends here.
  • 45 year old female from the UK.

    Played WOW for the last 4.5 years :)
  • Tinytaru
    Tinytaru Posts: 185 Member
    Hello :)
    My name is Julia, 28, and I'm from Germany. I love Final Fantasy (been playing XI for over 6 years now and will also restart XIV when it comes out on PS3).
    I own a gaming pc and laptop, PS2, PS3, PSP, NDS (love the chocobo game there xD )
    I already lost 66lbs (before joining MFP) and I hope I can lose another 44lbs now
  • Hello. I'm Alex from Los Angeles. 21 years old, my friend's older brother introduced us to Half-Life and CS during the beta release (yeah, I was 7). Don't get to play games as much as I used to due to work, but I like FPS games, no, not Call of Duty. I like some RPGs too, currently playing Skyrim, I also like Minecraft, used to play WoW, love simulation racing games, and last but not least nothing beats the 8 and 16 bit classics.

    People play iPhone games when they're bored, I still carry my green Gameboy Pocket wherever I go. Yeah, Legend of Zelda, you know it.
  • agggie550
    agggie550 Posts: 281 Member

    Alex from Maryland, 30 Years old. RPG, FPS, and RSG are what I enjoy. Nov 1st 2010, 382, I started MFP about a month ago at 260, and currently weight 249. Right now all i really play is Black ops2 and Borderlands 2. The girlfriend got me a turtle beach headset , one of the best gifts I have ever gotten :)
  • Ssumner2001
    Ssumner2001 Posts: 34 Member
    Susan, 31yr old gamer, been playing WoW since about 3 months after it came out. Still love it but I only get to play on the weekends due to work but hopefully that will change soon. That's pretty much all I play now, I do the Sims3 thing if the internet is down but I've also played CoH, EQ, and SWG (R.I.P.).

    I'm just starting MFP, my starting weight is 197lbs and I would like to eventually get to the 120's but my main goal right now is 140. A couple of friends and I are trying to do this together, we are working on the Chris Powell: Choose to Lose book, going to see how that goes. Like I said, just getting started so we'll see how it goes.
  • TashiaMH
    TashiaMH Posts: 70 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm Tashia, I just turned 30 in September. I've been gaming on and off since the Atari days. Currently I'm wrapped up in FPS games, mostly cod. My psn user name is Tash_oh.

    I've been on MFP since late September. Turning 30 puts things in perspective. I have a long way to go, Hoping just to lose steadily and change my eating habits to ultimately become healthy. I've never been a small person. I'm 5 ft 10 so I doubt I'll ever be petite. Just hoping for a long healthy life. :D
  • Hello, I'm Brian. 41 years old in Southern California. I mainly play MMOs myself. Played WOW from the time it came out until the MoP release. I kind of got burnt out on WOW and play Guild Wars 2 and LOTRO now. Nice not having a monthly subscription anymore.

    I also play console games with my son. Mainly all the LEGO games, though now he is getting in Call of Duty, etc.

    I am 5'10 and started out around 205, I am into the high 170s now and ultimately want to get into the 160s.

    I play GW2 on Sanctum of Rall and LOTRO on Landroval. My main character in both games is Torquentine.
  • Hi hi!

    I'm PinUpPac; I'll be using this as my handle since I have a strict no real name policy unless I've met you in person. I am a 24 year old lady person and a bit of a late-comer to video games. I am a PC gamer in a loose sense: I don't build my own rigs (but I will teach myself eventually) and I play on a laptop. I like exploring different sorts of games like indie games and other titles through friend recommendations which gives me a chance to try a new genre or learn something new; it also means I have a hell of a backlong on Steam. (I've also been introduced to older and newer titles on different consoles via my partner. At the moment, we're playing through Paper Mario together; we tried Sonic the Hedgehog, but it wasn't really my thing.)

    I have never LARPed a day in my life unless you count dressing up at Ren Faires. RPGs are my favorite kind of games; I have a soft spot for escapism, wish-fulfillment, and repetition (Get 10 of these! Now get 8 of those! GET THEM THINGS!) My enjoyment of repetition might also explain why I love playing Legend of Zelda games.

    My weight loss goals are a little on the loose side. I'm taking a more holistic, groovy approach than I normally do since what I normally do hasn't worked in the past. Ideally, I'd like to be about 150 lbs (am currently 186 ish) but I want to put more focus on actually being fit and healthy (not getting winded running up stairs, etc.) and feeling good about who I am at any given time. I have a ranty type manifesto on my profile page if anyone is interested. I'm also not going to emphasize weight too much unless I get an accurate BMI with body fat percentage included. I have, however, lost 4 lbs at this point so I'm relatively pleased about that. :)

    And I can only really walk on the beach I night; I get crispy during the day.
  • HI!

    I'm 26 and a world of warcraft addict. I say addict because im not even sure I enjoy the game anymore.. I just can't seem to quit it. When cata ended I had 11 85's one of every class and 2 dks, now that MOP is out its such a grind ive only managed to get 2 to 90, and they both raid. I need a life.

    I joined MFP a few weeks ago, its going great so far but I'm happy to find a group of people who actually talk about things that I enjoy! I am focusing on a small goal of 60 lbs at the moment, and we will see where it goes from there.
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    Hi, my name is Tony. I am a gamer. I mainly play MMO's on PC but I also enjoy my Xbox and Wii with my kids. I can be found on Steam, Origin and Xbox live all with the gamer tag TheArchyBunker or Archy Bunker. I can never remember which tag for which system.

    I can also be found on Xfire if I remember to turn it on hah.
  • AndyStanford
    AndyStanford Posts: 154 Member
    Hi, I'm Andy, 33, in the UK.

    I've been playing games for as long as I can remember, starting on an Acorn Electron and Atari 2600.

    Currently I've got a gaming laptop for my MMOs (LotRO, SWToR, Guild Wars), and my 360 for FPS (Halo, Gears) & RPGs (Mass Effect).

    Admittedly I don't get to play as much as I'd like these days, thanks to my 2 small boys (3.5 years & 11 months)!
  • Toxyc
    Toxyc Posts: 36 Member
    Hey! I'm Tal.
    I'm 23, I work for IBM currently at a boring desk job, saving up money to finish Game Dev in college. Had to drop out and change my life drastically as I had to take care of a dieing family member.

    I haven't been on here too long. I'm currently 5'2 and 250lbs. I eat fairly healthy. Working on getting in shape.

    I mainly am a pc gamer, but I have a 360 and a ps3. (also a lot of older consoles, most big ones I have.)

    I'm trying to get back in to dance games. I mainly play WoW, Minecraft, D3, SC2, Red Alert 2, and Halo. Though I haven't been gaming as much as I use to since I'm attempting to balance work, art commissions and dealing with a clingy boyfriend.

    I also love hooking my kinect up to my pc and playing WoW with the Kinect. Amazing, yet tiring.

    my IDs are:
    360: Witherless Rose
    psn: toxicmuffiin
    Steam: toxycwaste
  • Hi, im Steve and from England. Have both a 360 and PS3 though i only use the PS3 for Blu Ray's and exclusives.
    At the moment im playing through Skyrim, Far Cry 3 and Crysis 2. Just completed Hitman - Absolution and if anyone is thinking about purchasing it, just get it. Tis awesome. Anyway here is my Gamertag and PSN ID if anyone wants to add me. :smile:

    XBOX: HunterKiller 76
    PSN: HunterKiller76-
