Dont care how old you are!



  • I don't know why people are being so negative... I say GOOD FOR YOU and CONGRATULATIONS for deciding to make the change. Weight usually drops like nothing in the beginning, especially when the diet change is so drastic. Although it's difficult, I hope you enjoy the journey.

    Best of luck to you!!

    Thanks! I know soon it will slow up but yes it is a drastic change for me.
  • Dude great start I'm down 106 in right at five months and my first two weeks I dropped almost 25 pounds... Just eating right and moving more makes all the difference in the world feel free to add me.

    Thats crazy amazing!!! Im happy for you dude. Im gonna add you
  • Hello everyone, I just started today... My goal is to lose the 12 I just gained in the past 4 months and maintain. I just want to keep my health as long as possible.. Great to see that others feel the same!!!
  • Awesome!~~
  • anyone know of some great protein foods?
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Eggs, chicken, turkey, fish
    Nuts have protein and good fats, not a HUGE amount of protein, but at least you are getting protein with the fats. They have fiber, too

    Protein drinks.
    I use a protein powder almost daily. There are many many kinds. I found I like the Jay Robb egg white in vanilla.
    I mix it with some sort of milk base ( soy, rice, almond, cow....) and a small scoop of frozen berries, sometimes I add half a banana.
    Blend well.

    Some people like peanut butter and or chocolate In their protein drinks.
  • muttervonangel
    muttervonangel Posts: 8 Member

    yes i have! im not joking at all. i would wake up have a poptart and 4 pieces of toast with peanut butter on them with 3 glasses of milk then i would eat mcdonalds or anything at a gas station for both of my breaks then eat when i got home then eat supper. while drinking 6 pepsis a day. to be honest i dont know how i wasnt bigger. but i know all of you can do this just change a few small things to get you started. And dont cheat. If you go over on certain categories it ok. you can look back and see what different choices you could have made. This really does help if it didnt there wouldnt be a site for it.

    omg if i ate like that, id be like 900 lbs. your body is probably so excited for the fresh foods!! thats such an inspiration to me as i'm just getting back on track after a couple years of eating whatever also. :) im new too so you can add me if you want to.
  • hey everyone! in my first 6 days im down like 16 pounds and i feel great! i always thought i had a slow metabolism but i was completely wrong i just ate so much it couldnt keep up. Tomorrow will be a whole week i have gone without regualar pop and fast food/ gas station food. The best feeling in the world is when you clothes start to fit better just saying. add me if you want. just wanted to share and try to inspire some people as long as help you out along the way. Have a great day.
  • Im so glad you quit eating fast food!! That stuff is sooo gross!!
  • It is! It was just an easy way to have food while on breaks at work.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    u on the right way! but trust me u didnt lose 11pounds of fat in 4 days its most likely glycogen and water .. i can gain 8-14pounds over a 24hour period during my refeeds then drop 2 pounds a day (water) ... obviously some of it is fat that u lost though
    keep it up
  • Thanks man!
  • xSakura
    xSakura Posts: 288 Member
    hey everyone! I have been on here for 4 days and have lost 11 pounds without starving myself. I simply switched to fruit and vegetables. If it helps you i have been snacking on baby carrots and i have also cut out regular pop and fast food entirley which is difficult since there are 3 fast food places within three blocks of where i work. Just looking for some friends to help motivate! Please add me.
    Let me guess. 1200 calories??

    ^ Can't tell if sarcasm or not. I consume 1200cal a day and do at least 30min exercise 3 - 5 times a week, and I've lost a stone in 2 month. Take height into consideration.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    hey everyone! I have been on here for 4 days and have lost 11 pounds without starving myself. I simply switched to fruit and vegetables. If it helps you i have been snacking on baby carrots and i have also cut out regular pop and fast food entirley which is difficult since there are 3 fast food places within three blocks of where i work. Just looking for some friends to help motivate! Please add me.
    Let me guess. 1200 calories??

    ^ Can't tell if sarcasm or not. I consume 1200cal a day and do at least 30min exercise 3 - 5 times a week, and I've lost a stone in 2 month. Take height into consideration.
    lol u 4ft 11 ... this guy is certainly not that short and small as u ... 1200cals a day would prob force him to eat himself
  • xSakura
    xSakura Posts: 288 Member
    hey everyone! I have been on here for 4 days and have lost 11 pounds without starving myself. I simply switched to fruit and vegetables. If it helps you i have been snacking on baby carrots and i have also cut out regular pop and fast food entirley which is difficult since there are 3 fast food places within three blocks of where i work. Just looking for some friends to help motivate! Please add me.
    Let me guess. 1200 calories??

    ^ Can't tell if sarcasm or not. I consume 1200cal a day and do at least 30min exercise 3 - 5 times a week, and I've lost a stone in 2 month. Take height into consideration.
    lol u 4ft 11 ... this guy is certainly not that short and small as u ... 1200cals a day would prob force him to eat himself

    I never said this guy should consume 1200cal, I was simply making a point that 1200 is fine for some of us.
  • bionicdiver
    bionicdiver Posts: 198 Member
    Great Job! Don't forget to add some protein to your diet.
  • Yup last night i had grilled shrimp and the other nighti had steak.
  • I was also going to ask if the 1200 calorie per day comment was sarcasm - is that what everyone says they're doing? I actually try to net about 1200/day, I usually eat between 1400-1500/day and then exercise to bring it back down to 1200. I have lost around 25 pounds in 3-4 months and I'm never really hungry and feel great.
  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member
    53 and am 60% vegan

    Isn't this like saying "I'm 60% pregnant"?
  • brittuhnay
    brittuhnay Posts: 350 Member
    That's awesome! Cutting out simple things like that definitely makes a huge difference. I need to cut out soda myself. >:| But hey, if it's all true, good for you! If you're doing it a healthy, safe way, that's great.