louise5027 Member


  • I am only here for another four weeks,we are in middle of nowhere so no point in going out, there is a mall a few miles away but its not very good x i have a really good quality cross trainer at home and weights do will be ok then x there is an ok gym here hut i am the only female here with 120 males so its not always easy…
  • Thank you for your advice, it makes sense now, will definitely use it,and will look at the sites you recommended. I have the same problem with the weather here, I am in Saudi Arabia for ten weeks.but restricted as not allowed to leave compound without my husband and have to wear the Abaya. I can go cycling in national…
  • Yeah i did think that, was i wrong. Here is my thinking of it- if my bmr is 1400 and i eat 1400 my weight would stay the same, if i eat more than 1400 i gain, if i eat less i lose, bearing in mind that its recommended not to go below 1200 cals/day. This is all without doing any exercise extra. Am i completely wrong?
  • Maybe the word wrong was not the correct word, we are constantly told if you want to lose weight you need to eat less and exercise more. Also i am now unsure about calories i need to burn and eat to lose weight. My BMR is only 1400, so i have to exercise to be able to lose weight. I allow 1000 a day plus some or calories…
  • I am swimming a mile, I am using correct technique,as researched it. I can spend all that time exercising as I am away at the moment with nothing else to do except sunbathe.Mfp says that if you do general breast stroke for an hour I will burn over 700 cals, is this not correct.
  • Thanks, that's what my husband and son keeps saying,but exercising less and eating more seems wrong,but my new week starts tomorrow so i will give it a try for a week. Hope it works. I am away at the moment so finding it easy to exercise but will really struggle when home so it makes sense to try. I keep my diary private…
  • Well done so far, it can be really disheartening when you start something and it goes slower than you expected, and all the negative,petty comments don't help. Some of them are really childish. Ignore them, keep at it, I am on my second week. You also have to remember that during certain times of the month you will weigh…