Any sensible suggestions only please

48yr old female, been on mfp for four weeks,have lost an average of 1lb a week, which i know is acceptable but i have been exercising loads, 35 mins on cross trainer,35 on treadmill,30 on rowing machine and swimming for an hour, i do all this every day, eating between 1500/1900 calories. Why isn't my weight loss greater, and not losing inches either. Take medication for high blood pressure from damaged kidney.Any help on what i need to do.


  • vstraughan
    vstraughan Posts: 163 Member
    I can't see your food diary to make useful comments but would offer .....

    1) are you eating enough to fuel your activity? I wasn't eating enough for a while and was losing zip. Reviewed my food intake, upped it, started losing

    2) as an occasional watcher of 'the biggest loser' a frequent thing that came up was people over doing it am taxing their system way touch. Result? Low to no weight loss and the body seems to go into some kind of crisis mode. Looking at what you say you're doing, that might be the case.

    3) you said it yourself ... 1lb a week consistently is great!

    Hope it helps in some way.
  • louise5027
    louise5027 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks, that's what my husband and son keeps saying,but exercising less and eating more seems wrong,but my new week starts tomorrow so i will give it a try for a week. Hope it works. I am away at the moment so finding it easy to exercise but will really struggle when home so it makes sense to try. I keep my diary private until i get into a routine. I live by myself when home so my diet is awful, but with my husband now so he is doing the cooking.Thanks for advice.
    Just checked my BMR, and surprisingly its less than 1400. Which creates a whole other problem.
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    48yr old female, been on mfp for four weeks,have lost an average of 1lb a week, which i know is acceptable but i have been exercising loads, 35 mins on cross trainer,35 on treadmill,30 on rowing machine and swimming for an hour, i do all this every day, eating between 1500/1900 calories. Why isn't my weight loss greater, and not losing inches either. Take medication for high blood pressure from damaged kidney.Any help on what i need to do.

    Hi the biggest misconception about losing weight is to hit the treadmill (I love cardio don't worry)
    Try incorporating some weights then watch the weight fall off ;) exactly what I did!
    Also could be portions and what you're eating irrespective of calorie count?
    For drastic results I NEVER use a full dinner plate, I use the plate size down (bread plate?)

    Hope this helps and keep going!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    you're doing upwards of 2 hours a day of cardio??

    i swim. former collegiate athlete, swam distance, and i am now participating in triathlons. so i know what i'm doing in the water. and let me tell you, an hour to an hour and a half in the pool leaves me wiped. and it's usually my only work out of the day. and i need to refuel like a machine it makes me so hungry.

    do you know what you are doing in the water? a lot of people don't know how to properly swim, so they perceive the oxygen deprivation that they get from swimming as exertion from exercise. it's not.
  • louise5027
    louise5027 Posts: 9 Member
    I am swimming a mile, I am using correct technique,as researched it. I can spend all that time exercising as I am away at the moment with nothing else to do except sunbathe.Mfp says that if you do general breast stroke for an hour I will burn over 700 cals, is this not correct.
  • AJinBirmingham
    MFP doesn't always count cardio calories accurately. How hard are you pushing yourself? Focus on quality as much as quantity. If you aren't sweating and are able to carry on a conversation, you're not pushing hard enough.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    My thoughts:

    1. Eat more to support that level of activity
    2. Take rest days each week - preferably 2
    3. Sub weight training for 2 or three of your cardio workout routines
  • tenkesh
    tenkesh Posts: 81
    With such a high activity output with no rest days you are moving to injury land. Exercise isn't always more=better. Your body needs off days to repair and recover. 30min - 1 hour is more than enough when it comes to cardio. And you should have at least 1 day per week where you don't exercise at all.

    Also I agree, with melb_alex, doing cardio will increase your stamina and strengthen heart, and considering you are doing 2 hours of it daily you've hit the plateau. If you want to see changes, mix your workouts up with weight training.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I'm just going to make a general observation. This may not apply to you, since I don't go to the gym with you to observe your workouts.

    You would be much better off doing 30 minutes of intense HIIT (high intensity interval training) every day instead of doing 2 hours of other cardio at a snails pace. I see a lot of women at the gym making this mistake. They spend over an hour on the cardio machines and leave without breaking a sweat or being out of breath.

    If you're going to work out, make it count. Don't get on the elliptical and do the bare minimum for 30 minutes, and then switch to the treadmill and walk at 3.0 mph for 30 minutes and then hit the pool and do the slowest breaststroke imaginable for 30 minutes.

    Pick one and do a 5-minute warm-up, followed by alternating 1 minute as hard as you can possibly go, then 1-2 minutes slow to recover and then repeat until the end. You should be drenched in sweat, out of breath, and feel like you can barely make it to the locker room and your car afterwards.

    Look into HIIT and try that for a few weeks, maybe with a little strength training added in. You will see much bigger changes over time.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Double check the calorie intake. I know when I started I was not losing squat. I started eating back more of my calories burned and did better. It took me about 3 years total to lose my weight. I just figured it was because I was older and the medications I am on did not help.

    Agree with tenkesh...a little time off does a world of good. I did/do cardio,weights,cardio,weights,cardio,weights and on the seventh day rested...well just went for a nice walk or bike ride.

    Still...a pound a week is a good loss.
  • AJinBirmingham
    I'm just going to make a general observation. This may not apply to you, since I don't go to the gym with you to observe your workouts.

    You would be much better off doing 30 minutes of intense HIIT (high intensity interval training) every day instead of doing 2 hours of other cardio at a snails pace. I see a lot of women at the gym making this mistake. They spend over an hour on the cardio machines and leave without breaking a sweat or being out of breath.

    If you're going to work out, make it count. Don't get on the elliptical and do the bare minimum for 30 minutes, and then switch to the treadmill and walk at 3.0 mph for 30 minutes and then hit the pool and do the slowest breaststroke imaginable for 30 minutes.

    Pick one and do a 5-minute warm-up, followed by alternating 1 minute as hard as you can possibly go, then 1-2 minutes slow to recover and then repeat until the end. You should be drenched in sweat, out of breath, and feel like you can barely make it to the locker room and your car afterwards.

    Look into HIIT and try that for a few weeks, maybe with a little strength training added in. You will see much bigger changes over time.

    What she said.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I am swimming a mile, I am using correct technique,as researched it. I can spend all that time exercising as I am away at the moment with nothing else to do except sunbathe.Mfp says that if you do general breast stroke for an hour I will burn over 700 cals, is this not correct.

    Calorie burns are just an estimation and alot of time they are over estimated. As another member suggested I would up the intensity of your work outs and lower the duration. HIIT is a great suggestion. That coupled with a 3 times a week strength training routine and a reasonable calorie deficit and you'll be set for success.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Thanks, that's what my husband and son keeps saying,but exercising less and eating more seems wrong,

    why does it seem wrong? A lot of people attach moral values to eating and fat loss, they see getting fat as some kind of sin or crime, and dieting as pennance for that "sin/crime" and feel that they don't deserve for it to be easy.... I don't know if that's how you're thinking or not, but that's what the above statement brought to mind.

    However, it's not a moral issue, it's a health one. Exercising less and/or eating more (i.e. eating enough calories to fuel your body and your workouts) is what you should be doing for your health and for long term, sustainable fat loss. Why continue to do something the difficult and somewhat torturous way, when there's an easier, less painful and more sustainable way to achieve the same results? (and which will probably give you much better long term results)
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    where is the strength training?
  • louise5027
    louise5027 Posts: 9 Member
    Maybe the word wrong was not the correct word, we are constantly told if you want to lose weight you need to eat less and exercise more.
    Also i am now unsure about calories i need to burn and eat to lose weight. My BMR is only 1400, so i have to exercise to be able to lose weight. I allow 1000 a day plus some or calories burnt during exercise. But if i never exercised, with my BMR rate it would take weeks to lose even one pound.
    I am limited to use of gym equipment, we are only allowed to use a piece for 30 mins. I cant go out running, so very limited.
  • louise5027
    louise5027 Posts: 9 Member
    Yeah i did think that, was i wrong. Here is my thinking of it- if my bmr is 1400 and i eat 1400 my weight would stay the same, if i eat more than 1400 i gain, if i eat less i lose, bearing in mind that its recommended not to go below 1200 cals/day. This is all without doing any exercise extra. Am i completely wrong?
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    Add weight training and cut cardio down :)
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    Yeah i did think that, was i wrong. Here is my thinking of it- if my bmr is 1400 and i eat 1400 my weight would stay the same, if i eat more than 1400 i gain, if i eat less i lose, bearing in mind that its recommended not to go below 1200 cals/day. This is all without doing any exercise extra. Am i completely wrong?

    Bmr - 10-20% = weight loss However 2 hours + of cardio a day your BMR seems very VERY low. What setting have you put yourself as? sedentary?

    You can also eat your exercise calories back but be careful when logging exercise on here as it over estimates your burn by a country mile. If your going to eat back exercise calories i would get a decent HRM so you get your own individual burn or you could over eat by mistake.
  • mightyminerva
    mightyminerva Posts: 145 Member
    Calculate your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). Your BMR is what your body needs to function! For example, my BMR is around 1550. My TDEE is between 2100 and 2300 (depending on calculator and exercise that day). To lose, then, I eat 1800 everyday and more on days I exercise.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    You don't have the fat reserves to lose more quickly. Your ticker says you only need to lose around 15 lbs, which means that you should only be losing 1 lb per week MAX. In another 5 pounds or so you should switch to half a pound per week. You want to make sure that what you're losing is fat, so be patient.

    I also agree that the exercise sounds a bit much. You don't have to kill yourself at the gym to lose weight. Be patient and be kind to yourself.

    BMR is not your maintenance calories. BMR is what you would burn if you had no daily activity at all (read, in a coma). Your TDEE is your maintenance, that's BMR multiplied by an activity multiplier.