ianplant Member


  • There is a big debate about what level of protein is nutritionally sufficient and what is optimal; therefore it is possible that the Institute of Medicine is using the former, and MFP the latter. That being said, you can customize your protein (and other macro) goals on the settings to be what you feel best. (I have done…
  • It depends on your goals and fitness levels. If you are doing lots of cardio / all body workouts maybe rest every second or third day. If you have a high fitness level and do like weight training, you might be able to rest once every 7 - 10 days and not over train if you really isolate each body part over that period. So…
  • If you are eating a really low number of calories / carbs and still aren't looking weight it will be because your body has gone into preservation mode and everything you eat will be turned into fat to prepare for the next long period you will have without eating. Despite what your mind may think, your body does not…
  • This is also another pretty good article: http://blog.myfitnesspal.com/2014/04/the-2-running-workouts-you-need-to-drop-pounds-fast/
  • Though I don't think exercise is essential for a long life, but if you don't take care of yourself I'm sure a host of other things like heart / lung disease, diabetes, etc will get you first. Exercise is proved to help treat depression too. I guess the point I am trying to make is that from my point of view the pros out…