

  • 1. Chicken 2. Eggs 3. Berries 4. Bell peppers 5. Spinach 6. Tomatoes 7. Sweet potatoes 8. Broccoli 9. Avocado 10. Fish I don't eat strict paleo or primal. If I REALLY want a cookie or frozen yogurt, I have it...but limit it to once or twice a week. I eat a LOT of vegetables and fruits, but try to avoid starches and enjoy…
  • Nice to hear someone with some sense. I'm in healthcare, and there are much healthier ways to lose weight (hence the use of tools like this website.) Putting your body into ketoacidosis is more then ramping up your pancreas. The effects on the kidneys can be pretty nasty as well. I personally will never follow an atkins…
    in Keto Diet Comment by Nreumann March 2013
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