cmoncmonshake Member


  • Hi Nia - Accepting that something is wrong and reaching out for help is the first hurdle. Talking at length to a doctor will be extremely helpful for you. You are not alone! This has happened to many people (with or without MFP). I went through an eating disorder when I was younger and got through it with the help and…
  • Periods are a pain. I have intense salt/sweet cravings during mine. I track my cycle through an app on my phone and the week before and of my period I snack on about 10 pieces of pretzel M&Ms throughout each day when I feel a craving. It's not as good as binging on a chocolate bar, but it does the trick and it fits in…
  • I LOVE chocolate and honestly would crack and binge on chocolate if I had to give it up. It's ok to eat in moderate portions and as long as it fits into your calorie count, go for it. I eat Fiber One brownies - low in cal (90), and also gives me some chocolate to look forward to!
  • I normally don't leave it out - my bathroom isn't big enough to leave it in the same place (I take it out and then push it back underneath my sink), but I do make sure to line it up on the same tiles when I weigh myself. I'll try to step on it and allow it to reset itself this week, and see if there's any difference! :)…
  • Thank you! I'll try it out!
  • Build muscle, girl! In my opinion, judging from your photo, you do look very feminine and slender. Your height is, of course, not what I'd call "dainty," but more akin to a model stature. It's never fun being the odd-one out, but you can't compare your numbers to those of friends who are 5"3' - of course they carry less…
  • I gain around 4-5 pounds the week during my period, technically 3-4 days before getting it. Literally I went from 123 to 128 in the span of 48 hours and then reached "freak-out" mode, thinking I must have eaten too much in one day. It usually takes me around 1 week to go back to normal. Such a downfall for around a week…
  • Starting Weight was 148, Goal Weight was 125 - but I have decided to keep going as I'm not completely happy with my body just yet! I retain almost all of my fat in my belly, and I'm going to keep lessening until I see that flatten out a bit more, maybe around 115 lbs. :)
  • It's slower, because you are burning less calories than you would normally (because your body mass is lower). I'm sure someone can explain it better than I can. Basically, the amount someone is burning each day when they are 250 pounds is significantly more than for the same person doing the same activity at 150 pounds,…
  • If you're really having trouble doing so, start incorporating more healthy fats into your diet. There are over 100 calories in one tablespoon of olive oil. Cook your dinner or lunch with olive oil, or use it as a dressing for your salad. If you're eating so low, I'm assuming you're eating too many vegetables and not enough…
  • I weigh almost every day - which you really shouldn't, especially if the number on the scale tends to freak you out and/or discourage you. That being said, my weight will fluctuate A LOT at different times. When I first started losing weight, it was steadily decreasing, but now that I've hit my first goal weight and am…
  • It takes WAY longer than two weeks to tone (for me, at least). Give it time, try not feel discouraged, and enjoy how much better your body is feeling now that you're eating clean and steadily exercising! The results will come - but all results come in time, and you gotta work hard to get there! :)
  • There's no such thing as 'diet until you reach your goal weight and then resume life.' You have to eat healthy, clean, and try to be active for your whole life. It's about changing your lifestyle and deciding to stick to that lifestyle.
  • Throw out your scale. I know this is going to sound like the worst possible thing to do in your head, and you are NOT going to want to do it. When I was younger and diagnosed with an EDNOS, the first thing that went was my scale. Also, it was written on my doctors notes to never allow me to see what the scale said as I was…
  • I would say treadmill desk or workout ball over anything. You can move and still do work those ways. I tend to do some work from home and I have an iPad holder affixed to my stationery bicycle, so that I can watch/read/email if I happen to be super short on time for exercise. If you truly are VERY sedentary, and you are…
  • I'm in! (I have 4 lbs until my goal weight, but will be adjusting goal towards another 10 or so pounds once I'm there!) Height: 5'3 Starting Weight/Date: 148 - early January, 2014 Current Weight/Date: 128 - May 7, 2014 Goal Weight/Date: 115 - August/September, 2014
  • i'm 5'3", but... - what kind of build are you? (small, medium, large) small/medium, i'm in between. - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear? currently 128, size depends mostly on the clothing brand, but i can squeeze into a 4, and 6 has become loose on me. i normally wear small-medium…
  • Seeing a therapist (as you do) helped me a lot - but the most help I got with recovering was doing things that made me happy with myself - hobbies and/or being around close friends, etc. Whenever I used to feel the need to purge, I would call my best friend and she would talk me through what I was feeling. I never…
  • The most important thing is to listen to your body and eat when you're hungry, and until you're comfortable. There are days when I am a bit below my calorie goal, and I don't think that's an absolute terrible thing, as long as I'm eating healthy and I am no longer hungry. I don't recommend doing 1000/day in the long term,…
  • I've lost around 20 pounds so far, keeping up with a 1200 calorie diet (I've cheated a few days, but I digress). I think the most important factor in this is staying true to the percentage values of Carbs, Fat, Protein for the day - whenever I'd eat more of one then I was supposed to, I normally saw a shift in the scale. I…
  • I'm at 1360, but usually try to stick to a 1200 diet! (Some days I'm more active than others, so I want to have a bit of breathing room calorie-wise) I usually start my day in one of two ways: Egg White Omelette with Vegetables (3 days a week), this is what I eat particularly on days when I want to get in more of a work…
  • Hey OP, Stumbled upon this topic and felt like I wanted to send a reply and support - I've been using MyFitnessPal for a little while, and I come from a family background that was "plagued" with an eating disorder mentality, even if certain members of my family never had a full blown eating disorder. I, myself, suffered…